4 | 26 | Triwizard or Quadwizard

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"...worth my time"

On one morning, Lisa and her typical Slytherin group were waiting for the other schools to arrive and be greeted with the "utmost respect" according to Dumbledore

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On one morning, Lisa and her typical Slytherin group were waiting for the other schools to arrive and be greeted with the "utmost respect" according to Dumbledore.

She and Daphne were bored out of their minds- and cold. They huddled together while glaring at anyone who came too close or talked too loudly. They also gave a nasty look to whoever had a stupid guess on how the delegates would arrive.

Eventually they surprised everyone by coming through the Great Lake, and from the air.

During the feast, students from the Durmstrang academy chose to sit nearest the Slytherins, which was an honor, Lisa supposed.

While Dumbledore explained they could start putting their entries into the big Triwizard Goblet, Draco was shaking hands with Viktor Krum (they had already met a time or two at high-standing social gatherings). Lisa, who had cared for Quidditch players until she began playing herself, decided she wanted to meet him as well. From what Daphne said, he was sweet and polite.

She watched him lock eyes with a Gryffindor and wave kindly. He fit the description.

Soon, it was time for bed but of course Lisa had to stay up and discuss the big events they were going to watch the champions attend. They speculated what kinda obstacles it would be.

"What if they have to hunt down a certain amount of monsters in the Forbidden Forest?" Lisa wondered.

"No, it's 'Forbidden' for a reason!" Another Slytherin girl dared to speak up. Draco glared at her.

"Maybe you weren't important enough to hear, but I've been in there myself when I was twelve." He dismissed her, bothered that others would intrude in their friend group. "Besides, Dumble-dump already said it would be deadly and extremely dangerous."

Blaise shrugged. "At his age, that could mean either a one-on-one with a pack of werewolves or an evening at the Three Broomsticks." He earned a couple snorts in response.

Daphne put her head in a hand and sighed wearily. "It's too late to think. I'm gonna guess they're taming some kind of beast. If they fail, they die. Oh, well."

She was the closest to the actual thing, but of course they wouldn't know until November.

For now, they waited until Halloween appeared and the Goblet of Fire would announce its victors.

After hearing people fighting and arguing over who would be chosen, Lisa was ready for the proclamation. She looked over at Harry Potter, wondering if he wished he was old enough to put his name in. He returned her look and nodded with a slight wave.

Finally, it was ready for Dumbledore to read the names. Of course, the most notable Durmstrang and really the only one people know, Viktor Krum, was the first.

He had a stiff but confident walk with several cheers and good lucks, lots of them coming from the other schools as well.

The other champion was said to be Fleur Dela-something. Lisa didn't catch all of it, she was interrupted by Daphne whispering about Krum's muscles.

The last champion was from Hogwarts, of course. This time, Lisa really had no idea who it could be. So many people volunteered and yet, only one was worthy.

And it was the most popular Hufflepuff, Cedric Diggory.

She found herself politely clapping along with her friends and many whistles and cheers ensued. Of course he would be chosen; everyone liked him and he was on top of several classes.

The next couple minutes were some of the most confusing Lisa had ever experienced.

It was supposed to be three champions- and yet another little slip of paper flew out in front of everyone and Dumbledore's speech got interrupted.

Of course, it was Harry's name.

So many emotions at once from everyone. His expression dropped, Hermione swallowed a gulp, Weasley's gaze darkened and everyone was staring with shock all over their faces, especially Lisa as she just stared and couldn't think straight. What would this mean?

Then came a couple protests and students were dismissed.

Lisa and Daphne just looked at each other like, how is he always doing everything?


The next few weeks were super chaotic, and kind of the worst for Harry. It seemed like everyone was either really against him or really into him.

Lisa was neither, at least more than normal. She never did get any chances to ask him what the hell happened and how he broke the 200 year+ rules.

Her father had nothing good to say about the situation. "It cannot be done," he snarled one afternoon. "This is what happens when arrogant rule-breakers have families."

She found Harry outside getting steely looks from Weasley, and decided this was her chance to catch up. "Uh, hey, champ," she said strangely. "How goes it?"

"I've never wanted to talk about something less," he responded lowly, before a sigh. "I can't get a minute to myself to even answer the hate mail I've received," he added.

Lisa felt bad for him. "It sounds like this wasn't your decision, huh? I mean I saw that look when you got called. If you somehow did figure out a way to put your name in, you wouldn't have looked so disgruntled."

Harry looked up at her. "You know I didn't put my name in."

"Well, of course not," Lisa said. "All your complaints are about how weird and inconsistent your life is. Also, I don't think it was possible for you to put your name in. Do you think someone older than you did? That doesn't particularly like you?"

He thought, and she continued, "Or perhaps someone who does like you, and stupidly thinks you would be happy to get some more attention."

He shrugged. "I don't keep track on who sends me letters, good or bad. I don't even read them anymore. Unless it has your name on it."

Lisa's face heated a little bit. "You look specifically for my name?"

"You're the only one who sends me letters worth my time."

She tilted her head in agreement. As they walked along the shore of the Great Lake, they both witnessed Granger from far away sharing a brief greeting with Viktor. It reminded Lisa she wanted to meet him when she had the chance. It wouldn't be now, she didn't feel like leaving Harry's side.

He was just happy to find another of the few people that didn't hate him for something out of his control.

~ * ~ *
Published 4/21/24

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