Chapter 6: A Chaotic Bakesale

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Today is the day of the bake sale which will be held at the park. I'm super excited and kinda of tired since i stayed up all night with Ma baking the cookies to perfection.  And of course we had to taste test.

" Daddy can I bring coconut to the sale?" I asked while we sat around the table waiting for Ma to finish breakfast.

" of course you can sunflower,I'll hook her up to the cart when we are through" he said as Ma placed the breakfast on the table.

" why not take the truck, that cart is old, you got to look presentable, i don't want any of the whites thinking we are not fortunate enough" said Ma as she sits with us

" But Ma i don't care what people will think, that cart use to be grandpa, plus coconut loves the cart. We'll be fine. Please Ma" i begged while i stuff my mouth with eggs

" Hunny, she will be fine. Let her do what she wants, she's our farm girl" said Daddy as he got up from the table with a stuff stomach and kissed me on the forehead.

" I'll get coconut ready, good bye my ladies" said daddy as he left the kitchen

I was so excited to take coconut, we have had her fot 5 years, she's a real beauty.

*door bell rings"

My mom made her way to the door.

" Hello Mrs Brown, has Tianna left already" said a familiar voice at the door.

" hello Mr Butlers, no she as not left yet, come in make your self comfortable she'll be down in a mintue"

"Tianna!!Mr Butlers is here, hurry on down" shouted Ma

" it smells wonderful in here, like cookies"

" You look slim, here boy eat up and full your belly. You have a long day ahead" said Ma as he have him a plate of breakfast

" freshly baked muffins an eggs, with hot chocolate, Jeez thanks Mrs Brown" he said with the widest smile on his face

" Xander, what you doing here?" I said as i rushed down the stairs, Xander then pause and was staring at me as if he was inlove

" Tianna!, where is your manners" said Ma

" it's ok Mrs Brown, we are classmates and good friends, you look beautiful Tianna" said Xander

My Ma gave him that eye if you know what i mean.

" Ok coconut is ready, oh hello Xander it's good to see you" said dad

" Mr Brown, it's good to see you too" said Xander as he and my dad shoke hands.

" oh tell Lance thank you for dropping off the wages and have a good day, hey sunflower save a cookie for me" said dad he left for the Farm.

"Let's go" i said as i pulled Xander out the house


It was amazing to see the different schools turning up in there different numbers , show casing there variety of bake goods.

Almost all of our goods were sold off by noon. And coconut is making her self at home with grass of the park.

The park was huge with a lot of Trees and the lawn was prefectly groomed, the flowers bloomed beautifully.

" let me have a bottle of your finest wine please" said a familiar voice behind me.

" that would be $10 " i said as i turned around and met with his Hazel green eyes.

He paid,  and started drinking it right infront of me. He was stink of alcohol

" it's all fruit, no alcohol. That's Boring!!!!!!!" He shouted while holding the bottle in the air making a sence

" just leave Lance" said Xander as he pushed him

" ohhh, prince charming coming to the rescue to the princess Tianna" Lance said as he bearly could stand to his feet.

" you know that you are so stupid!, how could you fall inlove with me. I mean look at me unrecognizable right now" he said while he staggered while people started laughing and looking at me

Xander then punched him in the face sending him to the ground. He then stood up and laughed.

" get lost man, and go clean yourself up" said Xander once again

" I get it, i bet you like her too. Yea am right aren't i" said Lance as he staggered

Xander then got more pissed pushed him to ground and began punching him.

What is happening right now.

" no way they fighting over you" said Grace as she began to cheer on Xander

" i ship you with Xander tho" she said as she winked at me.

It feels like i don't even know these two anymore.

I ran to coconut as fast as i can, to get home.

Can this day get anymore Chaotic.

Author note: sorry for the late chapter bookers, its exam season so you know. Anyways happy reading. I rushed this one btw.

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