a chapter from this novel

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( this is a chapter from thenovel... for reference on how this novel is gonna be )

Xaviex was doing his work I already had my sandwich and was watching movies. I excused my self and I went to the bathroom to just do my business and just get break from his lap .
I left the bathroom and the pilot was standing outside . If I must mention he was Handsome very handsome. I looked at him and smiled.
" hey gorgeous girl , can I know your name ?"
" sara "
" I'm Edward " and he brought his hand forward to shake and I gave my hand and to much shock he kissed my hand.
And I started blushing . He was standing quiet close to me as there wasn't much space
" nice to meet you, would love to get your number " he said winking
I was about to decline, I mean I'm single but we all know the consequences. I really liked him thought
" Edward you're really sweet but ... " I was cut of by a rude and harsh voice
" I don't think so Edward !!! " Xavier screamed making the entire plane feel his anger and giving me chills
He was standing there with angry expression.
Xavier did action from his eyes for me to come besides him and I immediately ran towards him
" sorry sir didn't know she was yours "
And looked down and then went to do his business
Xavier took me back to our seats and put me in his lap and my smelling my hair as if trying to calm himself down
" that son of a bitch I'm gonna kill him " he said

" Edward was just being nice that's all "I said trying to not get someone killed
"Huh? what did u say "he look with a psychotic look
" please don't do anything to Edward he seems like a decent guy " I was begging for Edwards life
He looked at me and started laughing like a maniac
" so you liked him huh doll ?"
" what ? "
His hands now gripped on my hair and pulling it
" how dare you defend a guy in front of me ! Let alone take a guys name "
And his pull got harder
" ahhhh "
Tears were flowing down
He's back to hsi psycho self
" how dare you talk to him ! "His voice boomed

" I- I'm s soo sorryy "
I was in pure agony! I was just screaming for my life
It looked as if he was thinking something
He took a few minutes before leaving my hair and put me on the other seat
Suddenly what happened.
After 10 minutes there was an announcement that plane is going to land soon
My face was full of tears so I decided to go to wash my face to look presentable.
I was about to get up when Xavier caught my hand and asked
" where the fuck are you going ? " he's so rude
" to the bathroom , to wash my face " I explained
" from now on you ask and go everything , understood ?" He asked with raised eyebrows
I nodded my face positively
" words ! "
" yes I understand" I said gulping down

" so can I go ? "
" no sit down back at your place "
" Xavier but I'm all messy ! " i tried to argue
" I dare you to question my order , or I'll have to slap discipline in you !"
" this isn't fair what did I do ?"
" sit back down and don't move a finger without asking me from now onwards "
I just still there like a statue
I was in shock
He was back with his old methods
I sat on my seat

After 10 mins
The plane landed and I was sitting there in silence I didn't question him anymore .
Xavier got up and then
I was getting up from my seat
" what did I tell you to do before doing anything ? "
" this doesn't make sense ! Why would I ask you to get up from my seat " I said with rolling eyes
" because from now on I control what u do ! what you look at ! Who you speak to ! Everything fucking thing !!!"
I stayed still not knowing how to react to him
" come get up now "
I got up
" Im done fucking being nice ! I tried to be a gentleman but looking how you can easily whore around with a fucking pilot"

" Edward was.."I said but
I was cut off with a slap on my face
" I dare you to take another man's name again from your mouth and let me tell you you're not gonna be able to see light again !"
I just stood there with my hand on the cheek I was just slapped
I swear I couldn't hear from one ear
Tears continuing to flow down and nothing to do about it
"Staff !!!" He yelled
How rude to call cabin crew staff oh well he just slapped me why would he care about respecting others
" get her freshened up and you'll have 5 minutes "
We were leaving
" change your skimpy outfit" he said

I just nodded and left with a sweet lady called Maria
She helped me change into s full length dress white dress
Combed my hair and I washed my face
After that I just put a pink gloss and a moisturiser and Sun screen and came out
Xavier had extended his hand for me to take and I did exactly that !
I didn't want to get slapped again
" don't you dare look at any male here and I'll shoot them right here"
I didn't dare to look at anyone no male no female just in case
We went out and then sat in the car
" take us to the hotel "
" we're living at a hotel ?"
This week I'm going to run and he won't even be able to find it
" try running again and I'm going to feed your loved ones to my jaguar in front of u" he said quiet casually
As if he read my mind
His words affected my heart . I thought he changed !
Tears not stopping
How can he say all this !
We reached the hotel and Xavier came to open my side of the door to get me out
He gave me his hand to use to come out but I decided to not take it
And came out without it
He held me by my waist and we directly went towards the lift
" keep disrespecting me and then don't blame me when you have to face the consequences"
I just looked at his eyes
Finding something called humanity but couldn't find it .
" I have a surprise for u "
Im not expecting anything nice
It's probably something which would control me more
We went up and we had one of the penthouse room . The hotel itself was very lavish but I didn't have time to admire it.
We entered our room which already had Xaviers finger print on it
I should also have mine
And we entered the room as he opened
" I don't have keys to unlock the door."
I said as what if I'm supposed to go out
" baby you don't need to leave without me"
" what not?"
Hè chuckled
" want to go through it all again of not listening to me, we both know how it'll end up and trust me I could do that all day"

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