In Trouble

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I'm in McDonalds trying to forget what happened with me yesterday. ..............

"Harry u can order your own mc flurry please let me eat mine "i said like a child

"U are not even going to finish it and u will give it to me when its all melted its better if i start eating from now "

"nooo i will finish it "

"u always say this " he said and started to attack my ice cream i knew he would easily take it from me ,

"okay wait I'll give u few bites " he thought for a minute but agreed he was a little away from me

he came closer so i could feed him.

Malika was just looking at us and laughing , i was about to give Harry his last spoon of icecream but stopped when i heard footsteps near us

i had a feeling it was someone i dont want to face i just prayed in my head that please let it not be Xavier

but i guess its not my day when i looked up there he was staring at Harry and me with blood shot eyes .

His eyes were black and his eyes held anger which i haven't seen my hand was still in the air ,

Xavier caught my hand and started squeezing it so hard that i left the spoon and my hand he left my hand and looked at Harry with more anger if possible and got closer to him

i was scared that he doesn't harm him in anyway and thats what happened

he started punching him hard and soon Harry was on the floor trying to hit Xavier ,but couldn't.
i started shouting at Xavier to stop him trying to pull his hand but nothing worked

" stay .the . Fuck .Away .From. My .girl" he said between his punches ,

stop i screamed on top of my voice he stopped and look at me with deadly eyes ,

I went to rush towards him just to find him unconscious his face covered with his own blood but couldn't reach him my hand was caught by Xavier

" Babygirl you've already done alot if u value your friends life go get in car or i won't hesitate to put a bullet between his eyes , i own this fucking mall you should've known better , now lets go! "

He started dragging me to he car i dint protest as i knew the consequences.

Please god help me .

We reached his car both silent i was shivering with fear i couldn't even look at him i dint even want to i hate this man, " princess look at me "

i moved my face from the window towards him but couldn't look up

" i wont repeat my self " i still dint move, i just couldn't .

His hand held my chin up making me look at him his eyes less bloodier but still held lot of anger then he started

"dint i tell u to stay away from guyzz " he asked expecting an answer

" yes "i said his hold on my chin got tighter,

"i knew u would need some time so that is why I gave you a day of your old life ,wanting to go easy on you , but guess what i was fucking dumb to think that , cause u my princess doesn't listen " he left my chin,

i could see we were heading towards his mansion , "no please just drop me to my house "

" fucking shut up !"he yelled and it was enough for me to keep quiet.

I dont know what is going to happen when we reach there , what if i jump from the car i thought to my self .

The rest of the car ride was silent , we reached there in about 15 mins

He dragged me inside the mansion, i kept begging him to leave me , his hold was so tight tears started to leak my eyes .

We reach his like bedroom he took me inside and we both stood there in silence

" so would you like to explain why did you do exactly opposite to what i said ?" He asked

" i dont owe u any explanation, leave me home!" His eye colour looked darker with every second ,

he kept walking towards me , i kept moving back till the wall hit my back , now I'm locked between the wall and l this huge monster, i swear there was no place for even air to past .

He kept looking at me " you know i dont like it when you move back right " he bent down to my ear and whispered scarily

" its time for punishment darling. "

"No i haven't even done anything "

he looked at me with raised eyebrows

" lets count then " "1 you disrespected me, 2. You moved back, 3 you were so close with another guy" he said trying to not lose his temper ,

his eyes now almost red with anger .

I hope i dont die

so ready for the punishment baby " "no please " " strip !" He said .

" whattt noo "

"Dont make me repeat my words again or I make you regret your whole existence "he said now with a devilish smile.

I just looked at him i couldn't move , it was like i had become a statue

" strip now !"he yelled

I started to beg for my dignity ," please im sorry i won't repeat it ,anything but this, please give me a chance "

he thought for minute and then said

" kiss me "

" what Xavier No "

" i think giving u a change was a bad decision i think you should go back to stripping then "

"no sorry i will give u a kiss "i said looking done.
I dint move for a minute

" I'm waiting" he said , i started to walk towards him got on my toes and gave him a peck on his check

"now we are playing smart , are we , you clearly know i didn't ask for this " i knew i shouldn't argue more so i gave him a peck on his lips he looked calmer and happier, he smiled at me and said ,

"comes lets sleep " he took my hands and dragged me towards the bed ,

" Xavier I'm moving in tomorrow right , so leave me home " i said , he looked at me as if I'm crazy and havr grown horns over my head .

" after this incident of yours you think you are ever going to go out alone , let alone live away from me " he said seriously he laid me down on the bed " but... "

i started but was cut of by the devil

"Sssshushhh do as i say and get on the bed and take rest , we'll discuss this topic at dinner " the way he said it made me want to listen to it or maybe i just want to sleep i just nodded my head and sleep consumed me


I hope you'll like it
Have a wonderful day and dont forget to vote 🙌
You'll can correct me if you'll find any mistakes . Im here to learn 🙌

I will try to be regular from now 💕

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