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"I acted entirely in accordance with the information Miss Carlyle & Miss Carlyle brought to me

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"I acted entirely in accordance with the information Miss Carlyle & Miss Carlyle brought to me. It's a pity they weren't more forthright. Many young lives might have been spared," Jacobs pleaded to the coroner, his voice shaky. Lucy and Elara couldn't help but glare coldly at the man lying straight to their faces. To everyone. "And you heard no cries for help, or any indication of a disturbance, until Miss Carlyle & Miss Carlyle emerged from the building and there was no more that could be done?" The coroner questioned, writing on a piece of paper. "None whatsoever," Jacobs replied, looking down. 

"That's not true," Lucy quipped, looking over at Jacobs. "You were standing in the doorway. I saw you. I was screaming right at you!" Lucy screamed, getting up from her seat and pointing an accusing finger at the man. "Lucy!" Elara yelled, grabbing her sister and pulling her back into her seat. "Quiet, please! You'll speak only when you're spoken to," the coroner glared, facing the crowd. 

"In the cases of the fatal ghost touch of Alfia Morgan, Joy Young, Paul Bell, and Abraham Kosta, I hereby rule death by misadventure. Their parents will receive due relief from the Fittes Fund for Bereaved Families." Gasps and murmurs were heard, and Mrs. Carlyle shook her head disapprovingly. "In the case of persistent morbid ghost lock suffered by Norrie White, I will recommend her for subsidy by the Department for Psychical Research and Control's Veteran Support Fund."


"Look at me. Look at me, young ladies," Mrs. Carlyle ordered her two daughters. "I'm not having you moping around here all day and night. And I'm not spending the rest of my days getting dirty looks because I am the mother of the girls who caused those kids to die. First thing tomorrow, I am taking you to Jacobs, and you'll apologize. You'll admit you're to blame and ask him to take you back, and if he doesn't, you will beg him until he does. Do you understand?" "Yes," Lucy whispered, while Elara grabbed a tissue and wiped her tears. "I understand that you don't care about us. Or Norrie. Or the truth. She was our best friend. We were a family. You think I'd ever do anything to hurt any of them?" Lucy got up, slowly walking over to their mother. "That's enough." "No, it's not. All my life, you treated us like we are nothing, until we could make you a bit of money. All I wanted... is for you to love me. To love us. But you're incapable. You can't feel anything. You are deader than dead." Mrs. Carlyle slapped Lucy across the face, a bright red mark instantly appearing.

"Don't touch her like that, you monster!" Elara screamed, walking up to their mother, only to feel a stinging feeling on her cheek. "He's expecting us at nine." Their mother spat, walking out and slamming the door.


The sun was rising, and birds were chirping happily in the background. Two bags were thrown out of a window, as two girls carefully followed them. They ran into the streets, as far as their legs would take them, eventually ending up on a train to London.

The two twins sat next to each other, Elara eagerly searching newspapers for agencies while Lucy organized them onto a piece of paper. A man walked by, blowing all their papers away. "Shit," Elara muttered, grabbing the papers that fell under the table.


"Excuse me. Excuse me. Is this your first time in London? It can be dangerous here, especially at night. If you need somewhere safe, come to one of our centers," a nice lady offered, handing a sheet to Lucy. "No, thanks. We're... we're fine, thanks," Lucy smiled, and the twins walked away. The two girls walked the streets of London, peering into shops and squeezing in between people. Finally, they made it to the Fittes agency.

"Wow..." Elara muttered, looking around. "This is amazing," she smiled, and Lucy nodded in agreement. "Over here," Lucy pointed, grabbing Elara's wrist so they wouldn't get separated. They walked by a wall with photos and paragraphs about Marissa and Penelope Fittes' legacy. "Is that the line...?" Elara muttered, glancing at a line full of what looked like a million people. "I guess so," Lucy sighed, getting in the back of the line followed by her sister.

After what felt like 10,000 hours later (actually just one hour), they finally made it to the front desk. "ID, references, and parental permission, please," a man asked politely, looking at the twins. "I'm sorry, we don't have any of those, but we do have our grades one to three certificates, with special commendation," Lucy smiled. "No paperwork, no processing," the man replied. "Please. We've been waiting over an hour!" Elara begged. "I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do." "Asshat," Elara muttered, grabbing her papers and storming out of the building.

Agency after agency, they kept getting rejected. The two girls found themselves in a small cafe with only two hours to spare until curfew. Lucy crossed off all of the agencies they've tried that day, while Elara sipped on her green tea. "What are we gonna do, Luce? We've nowhere to stay," Elara muttered to her sister, a worried expression plastered on her face. "We'll figure something out, El. We've got to," Lucy smiled at her sister reassuringly. Reaching into her backpack, she pulled out her wallet and dumped out everything inside. Counting her change, she noticed a piece of paper that fell out. Elara raised her eyebrow, picking up the piece of paper.

'Lockwood and Co. The prestigious Physical Investigations agency. Requires two new Junior Field Operatives. Duties will include on-site analysis of reported hauntings and the containment of the same. The successful applicants will be SENSITIVE to supernatural phenomena, well dressed, preferably female, and NOT above sixteen years in age. UNSUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS will include time wasters, fraudsters, and persons with criminal records. Apply in writing to: 35 Portland Row, London.'

The two twins found themselves on the doorstep of 35 Portland Row in less than half an hour. Glancing at one another, Lucy reached up and rang the doorbell. Elara glanced warily at Lucy and started picking her nails. Footsteps soon reached the door, and Elara straightened out her clothing, trying to look more professional. A young boy around 15 opened the door. He had dark curly hair, glasses, and freckles dotted around his nose. He looked the two girls up and down before speaking,

"Are you Arif's new girls?"



chapter two is finally out!! so sorry I haven't been writing more, I'm still very sick. though, I promise chapter three will be out in the next day or two..maybe even today. Love ya!!

- abby

¹𝘼𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 | 𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝Where stories live. Discover now