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"Alright, I'm going to test you two on the plans in random order," A boy said. He was tall, well dressed, quite lanky. "We never know which one we'll need and when, and it's vital we can communicate quickly and clearly in as few words as possible."

"Good start. It took you about thirty words to explain what you're about to do," A girl quipped, her hand on her rapier. She had short auburn hair, and light-green eyes. A soft smirk was plastered on her face as she snorted. 

"Don't be facetious, Lucy. We really don't have time. Now, what's plan C?" The boy replied, the corners of his lips turning up into a smile. 

"Plan C means whoever isn't in combat makes a defensive circle. Plan E means you and Ellie fight the visitor, I deal with the source. Plan D is the other way around. Plan B is salt bombs. Plan A is lavender water, and Plan F is Greek fire, which should only be used indoors under carefully controlled circumstances," The auburn-haired girl replied, a skip in her step. She was smart, and had a quick mind. 

"Then out of ten," the boy congratulated.

"There were only six," replied a girl with chocolate brown hair, and hazel eyes.

"Damn. I'll have to think of another four," he smiled, giving her a wink. The girl just shook her head and looked to the side, hiding a small blush that crept up on her cheeks. 

"Thought there wasn't any time to be facetious," Lucy butted in, putting an arm around her sister. "Well," he checked his watch. "We are slightly ahead of schedule." A crow was cawing in the background, and the group arrived at the townhome. It was nicely built, lovely gardening.  "Are you sure this is the right address?" Lucy questioned, glancing around. Nice neighborhood, too. "62 Sheen Road. Mrs. Hope." The boy rang the doorbell, "Quarter to six on the dot." Knocking on the door, a shadow ran past. "Ah. Here she comes." Fixing his tie, the boy put on a crooked smile. "Luce, are you sure this is a good idea?" whispered the girl. "It'll be fine, Elara," Lucy replied, looking at her sister and gave her a small smile. Elara nodded, straightened her posture, and ran her fingers through her messed up hair. 

𝙖𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 & 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 ━ anthony lockwoodWhere stories live. Discover now