Uncontrollable Consequences

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Heaven became yours with each passing days alongside Ink. Moments you insatiably treasured to the very seconds.

After the pleasant night, it became a habit for him to ask and draw on your body, for the paint wasn't eternal and would disappear after a while. And every nights, he painted the same masterpiece- as he called it- on the same part of you. Creating an instant of sensuality despite the innocence behind his request. At least that was how you thought of it, too dazed by every sessions to care more.

Him too, have been left intoxicated by this trance. In just one single night, he felt so many feelings all in one, so much so he started craving them again in their entirety, knowing you were the cause of this bliss. Taking all the chances he could to keep you, make the instant linger, in hopes you'd perhaps forget to go away.

And every time, in your natural kindness and ever growing love, you obliged. You were happier like this anyway, and you bestowed him with something he didn't know of, naturally. Kisses.

It started off as a simple kiss on the cheek as a thank, turning his white skull into a lovely rainbow blush. Then he asked for another at the next meeting, with desire in his eyelights you found too cute to refuse. This turned out to be a novelty you found interesting for one reason : You were the one to give him something, instead of the opposite. And with what you offered, you also found yourself enjoying being a little more open to these kinds of things. Hell, you never had such a chance in the past, you weren't letting it pass, even less with your Soulmate.

Soon, you truly began to forget about time and other people, embracing the blissful blooming relationship only your hideout allowed. No one knew yet about this small secret, even the friend giving you the cover wasn't aware, and this secrecy was a part of what made the world you both created so special.

After weeks spent in talking and sharing his amazing tales of alternate universes, when he wasn't painting you, or on you that was, he finally gave in to one of your most recurrent request. For the occasion, you had prepared everything to excuse yourself if you were to come back late.

Once at the usual hidden place, where he waited, you both wasted no time to begin this bound to be interesting journey.

What you didn't expect, however, was for him to show you only one AU. The original as he called it.

It took you a while to acknowledge that all the beautiful houses and snow covered paths were safely locked under a mountain, even when he showed you the beginning of the place he called Underground, you couldn't believe your eyes.

To you, a world where humans resented monsters was beyond unthinkable, yet the proof was there. To make it worse, the monsters here were the nicest you've never seen. And sadly, you couldn't do a thing to help, for it was the job of someone else. At least, you had the liberty to roam around with your Soulmate and discover the treasures left in this world oh-so-different than yours. Which ultimately made the two of you loose yourselves in a dark but beautifully soothing area called Waterfalls, so you ended up the visit here.

As a grand finale of this interesting event, he created something you never thought to obtain one day.

Of course, when you had talked about your family, you didn't forget to tell how tired you were of always having to wear pure white clothing and hide your body out of chastity. Hence the reason why you grew very emotional when Ink somehow got you a dress. A colorful, bright crimson sleeveless dress, revealing without being too vulgar, although the back was completely exposed so everyone could see his masterpiece of a drawn tattoo.

You never thought he'd be that interested in making you this kind of things. And you didn't notice that he had just followed your deepest desires at best, adding only a touch of his own with the revealing back idea. But you immediately accepted this gift, though not without hugging him to death.

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