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Where the hell did he go?

You didn't know, and didn't dwell on it a lot. After finding out you were indeed Soulmates, he ran away like a scared kitten, leaving you all alone in what you called the Asylum to digest the new.

This clearly wasn't how you had expected to meet your Soulmate.

Needless to say it made you feel a lot bitter then you thought. You both had started on the wrong foot together, plus the fact he seemed extremely dangerous didn't quite go well in your brain. But still... This was the person you wanted to meet for so long. The one you wrote every once a month, to tell him about yourself, to confess what you never said to anyone. You literally gave your whole life to a psychopath without knowing.

Although, the very first time you met, aside from the threatening moment, he had seemed quite nice, if not grumpy. And... You both liked chocolate. It was an extremely big plus to you.

'Perhaps I can try to make him open up...' you thought, trying to put things into perspective. 'He's my Soulmate... Took him long enough though.'

A sound you didn't grasp made you turn your head toward it. That was how you saw him come back, after god knew how long. Part of you was glad, the other a bit nervous, yet you knew you needed to have a talk, or at least show him you wanted to give it a chance. In this moment when he wasn't looking at you, but the pile of letters you let him, his eyes somehow seemed tinted by so many emotions, you couldn't truly read his thoughts. What you were sure of, was he wasn't ready for what had happened. And if you were honest with yourself, you weren't either.

Instead of going to talk, like you had expected, he simply groaned and ignore you. Going to some sort of hammock made out of blue strings. You couldn't say it was a good thing, nor that it was bad. So you just watched him with an usual pokerface, and lied down on the ground.

In the awkward, tensed silence, you stared at the white ceiling, then at his letter, the only one he sent you. As you went to take and re-read it again, you didn't notice him casting glances at your side. It was obvious the situation itself was too complicated, at least for him. Despite looking at you, he still couldn't bring himself to accept. Yet, you were here. And judging from what he knew of you, you had always dreamed of meeting him. What an irony.

You heard him sigh and shift, though you didn't bother looking at him. He probably needed time, and as much as you wanted to learn more about him, you'd rather wait.

That was, until something smacked your cheek.

Taken by surprise, you sat up like a spring to see what hit you, only to see a paper plane lying right on your side.

He... Actually wrote to you. While you were a few meters from one another. Actually, you didn't think of it, and felt a bit stupid for not having thought about the possibility, still it brought a smile to your lips, whereas the skeleton acted as if nothing happened.

"The name's Error." said the small note. One big paper just for such simple words. Luckily enough, it left you the space you needed to reply.

Without wasting time, you took your own pens, writing down for him. "Well. I don't think you're that much of an error." and turned it into a plane again to send it.

Waiting was painfully long, although it was in fact very short. But the second he got it, read your answer, then looked at you with the most disbelieved face ever, you tried your best to not laugh at the expression he bore. Yet your smile was absolutely beaming. 'Worth it.' you thought, not regretting it in the slightest.

You weren't sure why he put on such a face, you just believed it was the first time someone said it to him.

"YoU'rE sO fUcKiNg WeIrD..." He muttered, loud enough for you to hear, which made you snort. As he didn't bother hiding himself to write something and send it to you quite boringly. Out of fun, and because there was nothing better to do, you tried to catch the plane during its flight. You sadly missed and it went in your eye. Karma stroked again.

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