Lost in time

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Time seemed to have frozen the very instant he said his name.

You repeated it, allowed the three letters to slip between your lips in content. It was simple, yet so fitting for a person like him. In fact, you couldn't think of a more perfect name ironically.

He too thought longingly about your own, writing it down with a quick sketch of you as a reminder. The newfound feelings he possessed, now that he knew they weren't thanks to his vials, turned out to be an exhilarating experience outmatching his expectations. Part of him couldn't believe his desire came true, until he were to look at your smiling face. Destined to him and him alone.

How odd it was to meet only then, only to deal with the consequence of such reunion. Everything seemed to have changed, although a quick look around you confirmed it wasn't the case.

Life still carried on as it used to.

A silence filled the emptiness between the two of you, growing quite awkward as you realized soon you didn't know what else to say. This was your first meeting, one you didn't expect to end this way... And sadly enough, there was so much you wanted to ask without being able to start.

The melody of your phone ended everything you could probably hope to open up to him.

It was a message, from your mother.

All your happiness dissipated to turn into a blank, sour look. Weirdly enough, this sight greatly displeased the artsy skeleton. "I'm sorry..." you spoke bitterly. "I would've loved to talk and learn more about you, but I can't stay here any longer... I need to go."

"Wait." He confusingly called, in a rush as you were about to get up. "Why now? Can we still meet again?"

Worry lingered in his colorful eyes, that resembled ones of a cute puppy right now. And you couldn't deny you wanted to stay with him, rather than going back to your pompous family. It took you a few to come up with an idea, the only that could still work if you played your cards well for the rest of the whole day. "Tomorrow, same place here, when night comes?"

The offer left him doubtful, deep in thoughts until you saw him write it down on his scarf. You weren't sure why, but weren't going to pry. "There! I won't forget it!"

Sad smile came on your lips, while the butterfly went to follow your hair, in an attempt to perhaps sit on it. "Thank you Ink..." you muttered, bowing out of courtesy. "I look forward to our next meeting! We have so much to discuss..."

Despite the sorrow of having to split apart for now, he still smiled back at you. "And... I don't remember, but we'll have a great time!"

This eased your mind at the thought, giving a comfort you cherished before you had to go for real.

Though you never noticed the shadow following your every moves afterward.


As you had promised, you succeeded in coming back to your white rock hideout the next day. Although you had to fight more than you believed to get the chance, even more to find an excuse as to why you'd go out late at night. In this hard time, one of your friend offered you a cover, pretending to give private piano lessons. You could also thank the gods, if they existed, for making your family too trusty and blind when it came to teaching.

Ink was already there, surprisingly, carefully painting the rest of the place in an attempt to wait for you. Though the second you arrived, he excitedly turned his head, mismatched eyelights shining with happiness. As if he felt your presence.

"Hello Ink." you happily greeted, going on to sit beside him. But the second you did so, he had to back away a little once more to throw away his black liquid. He did told you quickly this was common, but you were still worried. "Are you okay?... That seems to hurt..."

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