Epilogue Part 2: Confessing your feelings to your crush

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[After he, Po, and Shifu enjoy a meal of dumplings by the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom and practicing and training his Kung Fu skills for an hour and take a break in the student barracks, in his and his friend/brothers' room, Sonic was lying on his bed and looked up at the ceiling. He felt so happy and joyed. His and Po's new lives were perfect. They now know Kung Fu, earn the respect of the Furious Five as they make great friends with them, and even earn both the title of the Dragon Warriors and save the Valley of Peace by defeating Tai Lung. But he couldn't help but feel a little sad. Because... something was missing. He doesn't know why but there was one more important thing that was missing in his life. But before he could figure out what it was, he heard someone knocking on the door.]

Female voice: Sonic? Are you in there?

[Sonic sits up as he recognizes that female voice.]

Sonic: Viper?

Viper: Yeah, It's me.

[Sonic gets out of his bead, walks towards the door, and opens it, revealing Viper.]

Sonic: What are you doing here?

Viper: C-can we t-talk? I-In private. In your and Po's room?

Sonic: (V-V-Viper wants to talk to me in mine and Po's room? A-a-about what?) Uh... sure. Come in.

[Viper slithered inside the room and sat in a snake sitting position. Sonic sits on his bed and faces her.]

Sonic: So, what brings you here?

Viper: U-um, I-I wanted to talk to you.

Sonic: What is it?

Viper: I-it's just that... um... I... (No, Viper. You can't back down. I need to confess my feelings toward him. Now's the time. I need to let Sonic I love him. You can do it) [Took a deep breath, then exhaled] Sonic... there is something I want to tell you something...

Sonic: Okay, tell me. I'm listening.

Viper: When I first met you and Po, I felt empathy for both, and was hesitant about both your capabilities as the Dragon Warriors. Though I laughed with the others, I was the only one who did not mock you both instead of worrying.

Sonic: Hmmm... (Well I can't blame you though. Even though you made fun of Po and me along with Five, I heard that you felt more concerned about us.)

Viper: But... ever since we had our chat in my room and started getting along... I started to experience this strange feeling... whenever I talk to you, see you, or think about you.

Sonic: What is it?

Viper: [Blushes] I... I... was starting... to develop... feelings for you.

[Sonic's peach muzzle turned pink.]

Sonic: You do?

Viper: Yeah... I don't know, but I have. It's because you're funny, cool... and kind of cute.

[Sonic still blushed when Viper called him 'cute'.]

Sonic: Well... what a coincidence... I... have... feelings... for you too.

Viper: Really?

Sonic: Yeah. You see, Viper. I have feelings for you as you're my favorite member out of the Five... because you're sweet, kind, and tolerant and your appearances. I also have a secret crush on you but don't admit to Po.

Viper: Oh, I see.

Sonic: (And not to mention that you drew a picture of me in a battle kimono and me kissing you on the cheek.)

Sonic: So I guess... we... love each other.

Viper: Yeah... we do.

[There was a moment of silence as Sonic and Viper looked at each other and smiled as Sonic's peach muzzle turned red the same color as his puma shoes and Viper felt the scales on her face warm up a little and both of their hearts were beating a little bit fast. Sonic couldn't believe what was happening. Viper, her crush, confesses her feelings to him. Told him that she loved him. He also confesses his feelings to her and tells her he loves her too.]

Sonic: So... now what?

Viper: Well I guess... I am your girlfriend... you're my boyfriend from now on.

Sonic: We should probably keep this between us. And also away from the others, right?

Viper: I was thinking the same thing. Your secret is safe with me.

[There was another moment of silence.]

Viper: Hey, Sonic.

Sonic: Yes?

Viper: Can I ask you something?

Sonic: Sure, what is it?

Viper: Is it... okay, if... I... could uh... coil you up?

Sonic: [Blushes] What?

Viper: [Blushes] It's just that... you're fur. It just looks soft that I just want to feel it.

Sonic: [Still Blushing] A-Ah, well, umm. I-I... guess y-you could... if that's what you w-want.

Viper: Thanks.

Sonic: [Open his arms out wide] Go ahead, Viper. I'm all yours.

[Viper smiled as she slithered and stopped right next to Sonic as she maneuvered her tail to slide up and around his shoulders. It deftly formed two loops around his neck. With a little tug, the coils began to constrict. Viper didn't want to crush her new boyfriend's windpipe, just squeeze it a little to make him more a bit... relaxed. She added another loop from Sonic's neck down with each turn and around his chest. Each one fit snugly against Sonic's fur, squeezing gently enough to get a good grip but not tight enough to hurt him.]

Viper: (Wow, his fur really is so soft. )

[Sonic was enjoying this. It just felt so relaxing to him. More and more Viper's coils wrapped around his body, the loops now almost as this as the hedgehog was, from his shoulders to his lower body. All that was left was his head and his feet-shoes sticking out on each end. Sonic felt Viper's scales all around his cocooned body as being laid on a bed of coils, it felt so smooth, relaxing, warm, and comforting that he wished it would never end.]

Viper: Are my coils comfortable, sweetie?

Sonic: Yeah.

[Viper slowly began to tighten her grip. She continued cinching her muscles as her body pressed into him. She felt every bone, every breath, every heartbeat from Sonic's trapped body in her coils. He was utterly cute and adorable. Suddenly Sonic's eyes started to close as his whole body felt heavy and sluggish. ]

Viper: [Teasing] Uh-oh. Someone is getting tired.

Sonic: [Tired] What? No, I'm not getting... [Lets out a yawn] tired.

Viper: Yes, you are. Just rest, my dear. In my cozy coils.

Sonic: [Tired] Okay.

[Viper then kissed Sonic on the forehead as he started to get even more heavy and sluggish.]

Sonic: [Tired] I love you, Viper.

Viper: I love you too, Sonic.

[Sonic's eyes now finally closed as he went to sleep in Viper's coils.]

Viper: Goodnight, my little hedgehog.

[Viper then closes her eyes and goes to sleep too with Sonic still in her coils.]

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