The Dragon Warrior Selection

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[Back at the noodle shop, Po and Sonic are serving the customers at their tables. However, Po struggles to squeeze through the small gaps, due to his big bulk. He accidentally knocks into a table.]

Pig customer: Hey, watch it, Po!

Po: Oh, sorry. Suck it up— [Sucks in his stomach]

[His belly gets stuck between two tables, and in his attempt to lift himself free, Po accidentally sticks his tail puff into a rabbit family's soup bowl, making the rabbit children cry.]

Po: Oops, sorry! A thousand pardons...

[A gong sounds. Po turns, and sees a group of palace staff sticking a poster on the wall of the restaurant.]

Po: What?! Hey, Sonic! Come quick!

[Sonic was taking orders from a table of geese when he heard Po's voice and saw the same poster as he gasped. The duo run over to the poster (which features the Furious Five), read the writing, and get very excited.]

Sonic: No, way! Bro, you know what this means, right?!

Po: Yeah, Master Oogway's choosing the Dragon Warrior. Today!

Sonic: [Squeals] I'm so excited!

Sonic (vo): You people are probably, asking: What's the Dragon Warrior? And what is so special about it? Well, You see the Dragon Warrior is a legendary kung-fu prodigy. The identity of the theme was a mystery for a thousand years. But now, Oogway is going to pick who it will be. And that is today.

Po: [Sets down noodle bowls] Everyone! Everyone! Go, get to the Jade Palace!

Sonic: Yeah, one of the Five is going to get the Dragon Scroll!

[As Po ushered the customers out, Mr. Ping saw what was happening from a nearby counter.]

Po: [Runs over to a customer trying to quickly finish their food.] We've been waiting a thousand years for this — just take the bowl! [Runs over to a rabbit counting coins while giving them to Sonic]

Sonic: This is the greatest day in kung fu history!

Po: Don't worry about it, just go! [He begins following the customers out of the restaurant along with Sonic until—]

Mr. Ping: Po! Sonic! Where are you two going?

[Mr. Ping's voice stopped them in their tracks. Sonic groans as he and Po struggle to hide their dismay as they turn back to their father.]

Po: To the... Jade Palace?... [Inches slightly out of door.]

Sonic: see the tournament?

Mr. Ping: But you both are forgetting your noodle cart! [He rolls a heavy-looking noodle cart towards Po.] The whole Valley will be there, and you two will sell noodles to all of them!

Po: Selling noodles? [Mr. Ping nods happily.] But Dad, I was kinda thinking maybe I—

Mr. Ping: [Smiling] Yeah?

Po: I was kinda thinking maybe me and Sonic...

Mr. Ping: [Still smiling] Uh-huh?

[Po tried to think of a way to tell his dad that all he and Sonic wanted to do was see the tournament and see their idols, the Furious Five. Po really wants to him, but he loses his nerve and comes up with another solution.]

Po: ...could also sell the bean buns. They're-they're about to go bad.

Sonic: Wait-What? Oh! I-I-I mean—yeah! What's better than eating noodles with bean buns, right? [Smiles awkwardly]

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