Jealousy, Jealousy

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Will POV

His boyfriend was the strongest person he knew. And no, he wasn't exaggerating. The past week had been a living hell for Nico, in and out of consciousness, with constant badgering from doctors. It was a lot for him, but he was doing great. 

"Will?" Nico's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. The two were curled up on the hospital bed together, Nico's head on his chest allowing him to gently play with the feathery hair. 

"What do you need, love?" 

Nico's cheeks blushed at this nickname, "They're running the last couple of tests today, can you stay?" 

"Yes of course, why would I leave you?" 

"Well, you have skipped the last 3 days of school so I assumed you would want to go back. It is your only chance to beat me in rank after all." 

Will laughed, "Well I'm glad to see you think my rank comes before my love for you"

"Don't try to deny it" He glared playfully "You know you like to be better than me"

"Yeah, whatever love." He pressed a kiss to the top of Nico's head which caused his boyfriend to snuggle in closer to his side, so of course, he had to tease him for that.

"I'm only doing this because you're warm, you know that?"

"Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night."

"Trust me, my mind is occupied with other, albeit better, things before I go to sleep." His boyfriend said mischievously. 

"And what would that be?"

It got real silent, and he didn't have to see Nico's face to know it was bright red "Nothing."

Nico tried to wriggle away from Will, but he wasn't about to let that happen. He grabbed Nico and pinned him to prevent him from moving.

"TELL ME PLEASE" This only got him a smirk.

"You're cute when you beg"


The door opened and the two sprang apart, not trying to get caught in a rather unfortunate looking situation. However, Will miscalculated and jumped so far back he fell off the bed, hitting his head on the table with a loud thud. 

"Well Good Afternoon Mr. Di Angelo... and co." The doctor started, walking over and extending a hand to Will who was still on the floor. He looked up sheepishly to be met with the face of a young man. Gods he's hot. Not nearly as attractive as his boyfriend, but this dude really should consider a career in modeling since-

"What do you have to do so I can get out of here?" His boyfriend saved him.

"Glad you asked. Just a couple blood tests to check your blood cell count is correct and clotting function hasn't been disrupted. Then you'll be free to go" He paused turning to Will "Though you might want to get your friend here checked out for a concussion, he hit his head pretty nastily on the table when he fell." 

The doctor reached to inspect the back of Will's head, but Nico spoke incredibly loudly "No, it's fine I can check him for that. There's no reason to do that." 

He raised his eyebrow but didn't utter a word, taking a moment to draw some blood from Nicos arm (Will couldn't watch this), and he left the two of them in the room once more. 

"Really Will, the doctor?" His boyfriend glared at him as soon as the door was shut. 


Nico crossed his arms, looking distasteful "Mhm sure." 

Will pouted, but remembered what his boyfriend had said earlier. Two could play at this game "Nico pleaseeeee, forgive me pleaseeee" 

The corner of Nico's mouth twitched, but he didn't uncross his arms. This was about to be embarrassing for him. 

<Skip a little forward for the sake of Will's dignity>

Nico had finally forgiven him, rolling his eyes defeatedly as Will sat proudly on the edge of his bed. He had his boyfriends hand in his, and he was rubbing circles across the pale skin with his thumb absentmindedly. 

"They're taking awhile." Nico noted, a slight edge to his voice. 

"I know they are, but I'm sure it's fine. There's nothing to worry about." 

It was silent for a second before Nico finally looked at him "I'm scared Will, what if something is wrong with me? What if I messed myself up badly?" 

He tried not to melt at the look in his boyfriend's eyes. It was a mixture of fear, and something new. Defeat. Being strong through all of this was clearly taking a toll on him, creating a small crack in his mask that was beginning to worsen. 

"I'm scared too, but it will be okay. No matter the test results, I'll be here for you love."

The door creaked open once more, and Will made a movement to move into the chair. But as he looked at Nico, a silent message was seen in his boyfriend's eyes. Stay. He settled back onto the bed at his boyfriend's feet, still holding onto the small cold hand. 

"Well, Nico, I have your results back." 


"You're all set to head out. The bill has already been handled, but let me know if you need anything else." 

"thank you. I think I'm all good." 

"Are you sure you don't want me to check out your friend here? He looks a little dazed, I can take him-" 

"NO" Nico snapped "My boyfriend  is perfectly fine, and doesn't need to be 'checked out'"

The man looked slightly embarrassed, forming an 'o' with his mouth before quickly backing out of the room. Will turned to look at his boyfriend, his no longer a hospital patient boyfriend, only to get pulled into a rather aggressive kiss. Not that he was complaining. 

"Wow someone's jealous" Will laughed as he pulled back.

"No I'm not, shut up"

He did the opposite of what his boyfriend told him to. "You looooveee meeee, you got jealous of the doctor" 

He was quickly flipped onto the bed, Nico climbing on top of him. Pointing a finger directly in his face, Nico looked 2 seconds away from committing murder "You're lucky we're in a hospital right now, sunshine, because if you keep this up you may need to be checked in for a long time. And not  a good one." 

Will just smiled cheekily up at his boyfriend "You know you love me"

He paused as if considering, "Yeah, I guess I do," before he kissed him again. This time it was a lot softer, a lot fuller, and everything felt right. 

Sun and Star- High School Solangelo AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon