A New Start At Life

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POV: ???

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POV: ???

Empty, pitch black darkness.

     That is all I could see when I woke up. It was cold. So very cold. Where the hell am I?  I looked around, trying to see something, anything that could spark any memory of where I was. Nothing. Except for a few crates. Why would crates need to be in here? Why am I even here? I felt around me, trying to make sense of where I could be. I could feel holes in the floor of where I was. Is this some sort of cage? Who the hell just puts someone in a cage? And what is this thing even supposed to do?

     All my thoughts seemed to stop in an instant when I heard a huge gasp for air. Is there someone else here?

     "Hey! Is someone here?" I asked to no one in particular. I waited for a response, thought it took a hot minute before this mystery person answered me.

     "Where are we?" A feminine sounding voice rang out. A girl. Why is there a girl here too?

     "Where are you? I can't see you." Maybe if I can find her, maybe we can figure out this strange ordeal together.

     The panic in her voice was blatantly clear. "I don't know. I don't-" I cut her off before she could finish.

     "Hey, hey. Listen to me, okay? We're fine. Just... follow my voice. I'll try to find you." I started crawling around, hoping to find this girl. That's when I felt a hand touch mine. "Is that your hand?" I asked.

     "Y-yeah... Do you know where we are?" Her voice sounded a bit raspy. She must've been crying a bit.

     "Can you tell me your name? Maybe we know each other." At this point, I was desperate for anything.

     "Maybe... I think it was... um... uh..." I could hear the panic in her voice start to rise. "I can't... I can't remember! Why can't I remember my name!?" She grabbed my shirt in her fists. I wanted to answer but... I couldn't even remember mine. Who am I? Why can't I remember my name either?

     "I... I don't know. I can't remember mine either." I grabbed her wrists, hoping she would let go of my shirt. I could feel her grip loosen, and I bring her arms back down to her side. "Listen. Maybe if we think hard enough, maybe it will-" I was cut off but a loud shudder, making the cage shake ever so slightly. What the hell was that?

     It didn't take long before I figured that out. With another jolt, the cage jerked upward, just like an elevator would. Loud sounds of chains grinding against metal echoed throughout the area. The weightless elevator swayed in all different directions as it ascended to who knows where. I could feel the girl clinging to me, as I did to her. We didn't know where this thing was taking us. All we have is each other. My stomach churned with each shudder. When will this living nightmare end.

     It's been minutes. Maybe even hours, and yet we were still inside this cage. As the cage continue upwards, lights flashed all around us. Bright, fluorescent lights. Each one blinding me as it passes by. I'm getting sick of this. When will this stupid thing stop?

     Strangely enough, my prayers seemed to have been answered. With a loud screech and then a thud, the cage stopped; the sudden change throwing me and the girl onto our backs on the cold, metal floor. I slowly rose to my feet, feeling the cage sway less and less. Everything fell silent. Is it over? The girl got to her feet as well, and we searched around the area, but only saw nothingness. I cried for help, and my only answer was the echo of my own voice. I groaned in frustration. I heard the girl fall to her knees.

     "Please... someone... anyone... help us!" She screamed. Each word tugged at my heart strings. Why would anyone do this to us?

     A loud clanking sound rang above us and we quickly turned our heads toward the sound. A straight line of blinding light appeared across the top of the cage, and me and the girl watched as it expanded. A heavy grinding noise revealed two sliding doors, forcibly being opened. After spending so much time in the dark, the light was completly unbearable. I looked away, trying to block the light with one of my hands. Noises rang out from above. Are those... voices? I slowly uncovered my eyes, and I could black silhouettes standing all around.

     "Look at the two lovebirds." One voice laughed.

     "Was the girl crying? How pathetic. She's definitely gonna be a Gatherer." Another voice said with a more harsh tone.

"The boy looks pretty tough. We could use another crafter. Especially since Aleena broke her finger with a hammer." Another strong voice rang out, though this one sounded more feminine.

     "Not gonna lie guys, the boy is kinda cute~" Another female's voice said. Cute? Who the hell thinks something like that at a time like this?

     A wave of confusion washed over me. The voices were strange. Some of the words the mention felt new. Like I had never heard them in my life. Others were familiar. My eyes seemed to have finally adjusted to the light because the first thing I noticed when the haziness was gone, was young girls and boys. All just staring down at me and girl. Laughing. Arguing. You name it. I didn't know what I expected but it certainly wasn't this. These were just teenagers. Children.

     A rope dropped down in front of me, the end of it tied into a loop. I hesitated for second, but I quickly stepped into the loop with my right foot and gripped the rope as hard as I could. The people above began to pull me up, and few hands reaching to aid me as well. I was finally pulled up and rolled onto the ground. Although, this ground didn't feel hard at all. Rather, warm and soft. I looked at my side and that's when I saw it. This wasn't dirt. This was sand. I sat up and played around with the sand, taking some in my hand, and letting it fall out. I watched as the girl who was in the cage with me get pulled up as well. She was pushed down beside by a few guys. Wow guys. Way to make a good first impression on us. I was cut out of my thoughts when a boy crouched down in front of us and said something I'll never forget.

     "Welcome to the Shallows, Rookies." The boy said. "Hope you'll both enjoy your stay in this hell hole."


     Thank you so so so so much to all of you who have read my first ever chapter. I really appreciate each and every single one of you who took the time to give my book a chance. I promise that each and every chapter will be better than the last, and I will update as frequently as I can. Thank you again, and thank you cyutiepyie_cami for assisting me on my journey to making my first chapter. Please please please, if you enjoyed my story, I would highly recommend you check out ratroyalty's story, Deviate. Her story is also a Maze Runner fanfic, but hers takes place in Maze D.

     Once again, thank you everyone for your time and support.

     -Tea <3

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