1. poison in whiskey

Start from the beginning

"well, what did your father say to that."

"my dad wants to kill him too,, obviously. The deal would have saved his... career. But this guy is too fucking dumb to understand this." I spilled. Well, as a mafia gang's leader my dad really does want to kill this guy, and the peace treaty my ex just let go of will get him killed. But I think this hot stranger should not know this just yet.

"well, if it were me I would've taken it, especially if you were the one giving me a deal." He wink. Was he flirting with me? After I told him my puppy torture plan? Wow.

"who are you Chase and why are you here?"

"I work for a company and they sent me here for a job." He shrugged, "I don't really enjoy doing the work as much but it's for family so I just go along with it till I get my permeant position."

"What is it called? This company." I asked more while I sipped my water.

He hesitated but said, "Stacks."

The name did sound familiar but I let that part go as I was in no mood to think.

I looked at him just staring at me. I kept my glass on the side table beside him and he followed my every movement with his eyes. The music of the party was faintly heard, as my racing heartbeat took over. I got off the bed and went over to the other side, Chase's eyes still on me. I slowly took my shoes off and stripped my jacket. It was getting hotter by the second. He licked his lips and didn't break eye contact. I could see a bit more clearly now. His face was perfect. I sat down next to him and just looked at his face, which was inching closer, I froze a little and let things happen on its own, a sober thought occurred in my mind, I need to do a background check before things can go any further with this perfect stranger. But that's what he was, a perfect stranger. I begged my drunk cloudy brain to form a thought before he comes any closer. Just as our noses touched I said, "I could've taken him in a fight" and swept my glass from the table.

It took him a minute to process my sentence and only after closing his eyes and releasing a groan he retreated his face a little away. Which thankfully gave my racing heart time to slow down.

"sure," he said like he didn't believe me, "do you even know who he is Valerie ?" he said. My name on that tongue sounded too good to form any thoughts that didn't end with him inside me, truthfully I almost moaned. His words did bruised my ego though.

"do you know who I am?" I countered and looked at his face,

"why do you think I'm not tearing off that" rest of that sentence was blurry, but for a minute he looked like he knew everything about me. "that guy is a leader of a the mods by the way, he owns this part of town."

"aha, so you don't know who I am. Loser."

"Valerie , did you just call me a loser for not knowing your lineage."

Did he just say lineage like I'm some fucking princess. Who the fuck says lineage. Sounded hot though.

"lineage? Why are you brining my ancestors into this." I was ready to throw hands.

"what is making you so angry Valerie ?" Chase looked amused. I should be scaring him right now. My death glares make people piss their pants, and here this dude is looking at me like I'm some adorable bunny.

"I would have won." I stated like it was obvious, he doesn't know I've beat him before. "fight me." I challenged, I needed to prove I am as tough as I look. This stranger was going down, even if I was drunk.

"oh really? Ok punch me here really hard." He pointed at his lower abs and stood up. I crawled over to his side of the bed and stood in front of him. He was just a few inches taller than me. And now I'm realizing he was very built. Maybe he could take me down? This was not going to end well.

"are u sure you won't cry?" I asked him and gave him a sarcastic pout

"oh, I'm sure." He said in a cocky manner

I stood up and aimed for his stomach with all the power I had. Which was a lot as I had been training since I was 3 years old. But due to my intoxicated state the impact was a little lower. Right where the sun don't shine. As soon as I hit him, he groaned and fell on the ground. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I panicked. What the fuck have I done.

Hopefully I don't see him again, the staring and the conversation was too intense for my liking anyway. I crouched down near him, "I'm so sorry." All the alcohol was now seeping out of my system.

"Valerie , if you wanted to touch my dick all you had to do was put you hand down my pant babe. Punching is not a good way to feel me up." He laughed and I released a breath of air I didn't know I was holding. Wait. What.

"I did not want to feel you up!" I couldn't fathom the thoughts in his head aren't as dirty as mine right now.

"I'm not complaining though, if you wanna make it up you just need to bend down and massa.."

"do NOT complete that sentence." We heard a voice from the doorway. 

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