20. Forgiveness or hatred?

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Dovey and Lesso cautiously made their way to Y/n's dorm . Professor Dovey( being the fairy GodMother of all fairytales) brought her magic wand to unlock y/n's powers and also unlock her wings...

"Mabey you should go in and talk to her first to put her in a better mood." Lesso Said.

"alright you big chicken!" Dovey replied.

" I'm not a chicken! I don't want to lose my life the minute I step foot in there. Y/n still hates my guts you know!" Lesso said.

"That's exactly why I came with you! I'll always have your back Leo..." Dovey responded, giving Lesso a warm and fuzzy feeling inside ...

Dovey knocked on y/n's door carefully. What she saw broke her heart...

Y/n was in terrible condition; her body was weak, her skin was pale, her eyes didn't have that sparkle in them that everyone loved. She was a ghost .

"Hey sweetie. It's professor Dovey, may I come sit next to you, it's only me here and nobody else..." dovey calmly asked.

"Mhm." Y/n responded

Dovey sat down on y/n's bed surprised as how comfy it was... she didn't touch you or hug you as she didn't want to rush things, even though they didn't have much time...

"I heard what happened , I'm so sorry you paid the price for it! But I know it wasn't your fault; none of it was. Lesso was awful to do that to you! You didn't deserve it. .." Dovey said.

Y/n perked up a little bit. Finally someone was on her side and understood what happened. Y/n burst into tears and threw herself into Dovey's loving arms. All the emotions y/n had shoved down deep, had finally surfaced.

"There there darling...it's ok! Let it all out!" Dovey spoke as she rubbed your back and whispered sweet nothings in y/n's ear.

After there were no more tears left to cry, they both sat there snuggled together...

"I've talked it through with Lady Lesso.."

"WHAT?!?!" Y/n panicked as she didn't want to even hear Lesso's name be spoken.

"I know , just hear me out..." Dovey said...

"Why would you even talk to Lesso? After what she did to me? I'll have to live with it for the rest of my life." Y/n spoke.

"Actually, Lesso came to me feeling horrible for what she did to you! I've only seen Lesso this heartbroken one other time." Dovey said.

"Lesso came to check on you one night and when she saw you it broke her heart to pieces and she immediately came to me for advice." Dovey continued.

"So Lesso does care about me , and she's not as heartless as she seems." Y/n said as she realized everything she thought was wrong.

"Indeed sweetie. Lesso and I know why it happened to you and we came up with a plan to fix it so it never happens again..." said Dovey.

"So what's the plan?" Y/n asked Dovey.

"Well, with your approval, I want the three of us to talk about it. Can Lesso come in so we can discuss the plan?" Dovey asked.

Y/n thought for a second or two and finally said yes!

Dovey unlocked the door and Lesso cautiously entered the room.

Y/n smiled a warm smile at Lesso. All the hatred and anger that had divided the two of them had come crashing down.

"Y/n I'm so sorry! I never meant to hurt you, you mean everything to me! Please forgive me? I need you....Come back to me!" Lesso said her eyes watering .

"Of course I forgive you Leo!"

They both embraced each other in a warm hug. Everything between them was gonna be alright.

To be continued...

Hey yall! Hope yall are having a g a great one!!
Yeah Lesso keep apologizing! You literally almost lost your best student.

K byeeeeee!

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