Chapter 3 - Old Habits

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The next morning, Emily woke up early, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. She decided to take a walk along the beach, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. As she strolled, she noticed a familiar figure in the distance - Jack, surfing the waves with grace and ease.

She watched, mesmerized, as he rode the surf, his muscles flexing with each movement. When he finally emerged from the water, shaking the salt from his hair, Emily felt a flutter in her chest.

"Hey, Emmie!" Jack called out, grinning. "Want to grab some breakfast with me?"

They walked to the local café, chatting about everything from their favorite books to their childhood memories. It was like no time had passed at all.

As they sipped their coffee and savored the pancakes, Jack asked about her job and her plans. Emily confided in him about her stressful job and her doubts about her future. Jack listened attentively, offering words of encouragement and support.

"You're an amazing event planner, Emily," he said. "But don't forget to take care of yourself, too. Life's too short to be stuck in a rut."

Emily smiled, feeling a sense of gratitude towards Jack. He always knew how to make her feel better.

As they finished their breakfast, Jack suggested a hike in the nearby hills. Emily agreed, and they set off, laughing and joking like they used to.

The hike was invigorating, with breathtaking views of the coastline. As they reached the summit, Jack turned to her, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Want to relive an old memory?" he asked, a sly grin spreading across his face.

Emily raised an eyebrow, curious. "What did you have in mind?"

And with that, Jack took her hand, leading her down a hidden path, into the unknown...

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