Chapter 35: A long journey's end

Start from the beginning

"Hey kid...move your damn boat! You are obstructing our way! Where did you come from anyway?!" He heard.

Raka lifted his groggy head and saw that there were a couple of boats coming near. He quickly rubbed the sleep off his eyes and replied.

"Ah hello. Sorry for blocking. Actually I wanted to sell this beast." Raka said as he pointed to the ridiculously large sea dragon. "I came from Ilmentia by the way."

The fishermen had already guessed the reason but still wanted to confirm. Also, he was blocking their way.

"Hmm.. alright then, follow us." The fishermen shouted as they turned their boats around and guided him to a place nearby.

"Thanks." Raka said as he dropped anchor in this new place.

"Jump on our boat. We will take you ashore." The fishermen nodded.

As one of the boats closed in next to his ship, Raka jumped over the side on to the boat. Well, maybe jumped would not be the correct term as the deck of his ship was not very high, so the most he did was clear the railings and step gently on the boat.

"Hi I am Asim. The other one is Dakarai." The fishermen on the boat said.

"Hi, I am Raka."

"So how come you are here from Ilmentia? I don't suppose you took a wrong turn and ended up here.." Asim laughed.

" Actually I was on my way here. This sea dragon attacked me on the way." Raka said.

"By the smell I can tell that you met it atleast 3 days ago." Asim said.

"Almost 5 days ago. Well it is not the meat I was concerned for but the bones." Raka said.

After all, a sea dragon was a fully certified magical creature with magical bones. Its carcass would be far more valuable than its meat.

"I hear ya. You are lucky. Or powerful. Can't decide yet." Asim said.

"Incredibly lucky by my counts. Many a unfortunate ship has been lit ablaze by this creature's lightning. Men could kill it, but without the ship they would still end up dead in the sea." Dakarai said.

"Yeah. I have heard of those tales as well." Raka nodded.

Maneuvering between the various ships, they finally reached the shore.

"Come to the chief's house. Only he can decide if you can sell it here." Asim said.

Raka nodded. He also knew selling bones was not easy. If it were the same as Ilmentia, he would need to build some trust.

The fishermen village was quite similar to the one in Ilmentia. There were just far more houses. Being a desert island, much of the food was obtained through the sea rather than agriculture. The chief's house was a bigger house and the chief a wrinkly old man with white hair and beard. He had a walking stick in his hand and he walked with his back bent.

"Welcome young man. I am Nubar. The men tell me you come to sell a sea dragon."

"I am Raka sir. I would like to sell the bones of the sea dragon. I believe as it is a magical beast, its bones would have value."

"It is true that a sea dragon's bones are considered magical and have value. But we do not trade in magical bones with strangers. You must understand that it is a business of trust. Do you have a reference who can vouch for you?" Nubar asked.

"I do not know anyone in Khardoum. But I know the fishermen in Ilmentia. Would their testimony stand?" Raka asked.

Nubar looked at the other people and then nodded.

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