Date! (For real this time)

Start from the beginning

“Hey you!” they heard someone say from behind.

They turned and saw a guy wearing glasses walking up to them. Gus immediately recognized this guy. It was that Jacob guy who captured Vee and the same guy Gus himself had a run-in with a few years ago.

“I saw that!” Jacob yelled making a B-line towards them and pointed at Cat. “You have pointed ears!”

Cat started to get very nervous, “I-I ummmm, oh dear.”

“You're one of those witches or demons from Mars aren't you?!”

“What?” Cat replied, her mind going from nervous to confused in an instant.

Gus placed his hand on her shoulder, “Ignore him Cat, he's considered the town crazy loony toon. Let's just go.”

Before they could walk away, Jacob grabbed onto Cat's wrist, stopping them. “Oh no, you don't! I finally have proof now!”

“Leave her alone!” Gus yelled, slapping Jacob's hand causing him to let go of Cat.

Luckily security came up to them before things could escalate.

“What's going on here” the man asked, suddenly he noticed Jacob and facepalmed. “What did you do this time, Jacob?”

Gus informed the guard.“He accused my friend of being a witch and tried to keep her from leaving.”

The guard rubbed his temples, “Alright, Jacob you need to leave.”

B-But this girl's a-” Jacob tried to say, but the guard grabbed him and started to walk out with him.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, Jacob I've heard it all before,” The guard said before turning back around to Gus and Cat. “I'm sorry for all this, you kids enjoy the rest of the fair.”

The guard took Jacob away. Cat and Gus both let out huge sighs of relief.

“You alright?” Gus worryingly asks Cat.

“Yeah, I'm okay. Sorry Gus, I almost got us caught.” Cat said feeling guilty.

Gus lightly grabbed her hands, “It's not your fault Cat, It was an accident but it all worked out, that guy is just a creep anyway.”

Both Gus and Cat looked at their combined hands madly blushing and quickly separated their hands when they noticed.

“Um, so do you wanna go on some rides?” Gus asked, trying to avoid any more awkwardness.

“S-Sure,” Cat answered.

(Later that night)

As the night went on Gus and Cat tried to do as many different things as possible. They played multiple carnival games and rode almost every ride. Gus got to take another witch to the human world and Cat got to finally get some first-hand experience with it. Aside from that close call earlier, everything was going well. The night was about to end and they decided to save the best for last. Earlier in the night Cat saw the Farris wheel and was captivated by it, so she and Gus decided they would end the night with a ride on it. The two witches walked up to the Ferris, got in their cart, and the ride started.

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