One of Tony's Parties

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Penny was in the tower's library. She'd been there for almost an hour. Staring at the same page in the same book. For some reason, she just couldn't seem to read the book. It was as if she was looking at a movie/tv show prop that was actually just gibberish filling empty space to look as if it's a real thing. Like it seemed like random letters or words in an order that don't mean anything.

Loki was also in the library, and he noticed how unfocused Penny seemed. He noticed she had yet to turn the page. She must be really zoned out. She almost seemed dazed.

"Penelope, are you alright?" Loki asked.

"Huh?" Penny blinked and looked over at him. "Oh, uh, yeah. I'm fine. And just call me Penny."

Loki nodded.

"Wait... Friday, what time is it?" Penny asked the AI system that runs through the whole tower.

"It is 3 PM, Penny."

"Dang it," Penny said, standing up. Tony was having a party tonight and it started at 5, but he wanted everyone that lives in the tower there at least 20 minutes before. "See you later," she waved bye to Loki.

"Bye," he responded.

Penny left the library and went up to her and Peter's room. She looked through all of her clothing trying to find something to wear. She hasn't been to a non-college party in almost 2 years. Although, from what she's been told, Tony's parties often end up kinda like a college party.

Tonight's party was going to start as a bit of a press event thing. People have spotted Tony and the twins around and rumors were spreading. He's picked Peter up from school, taken store trips with Penny, gone for meals with them both. They were going to tell the press the whole story about how the twins' aunt entrusted him with them.

Anyway, not only has Penny not been to a party in a long time, but she didn't really feel up for one. She still is not feeling like herself. She's still upset about everything with her now ex-boyfriend. She looked over at Peter who was also starting to get ready.

"Do I really have to go to this?" Penny asked.

"Yes, Peter said. "And don't say you have nothing to wear, because I know you do."

"Fiiine," Penny sighed.

She walked into the closet again and looked through her dresses again. She found a long, dark blue, spaghetti strap dress, with an open slight down one side. Peter was wearing blue, so she might as well match. After grabbing a pair of light tights, she then went looking for shoes. She didn't want to wear heels, but sneakers were too casual. Decisions, decisions. After pondering, she decided on a pair of wedge combat boots. They'd make her just taller than Peter, since she was just shorter than him.

Penny took her decided outfit and went into the bathroom. Peter was already dressed, so she didn't have to worry about him needing in. She set her clothes on the counter and grabbed a washcloth. She took a shower that morning, but she joined Natasha in the gym for a little while afterward, so she decided to just wash her armpits and stuff really quickly. She applied some deodorant too, waiting a moment before putting on her dress.

After getting dressed, Penny applied some makeup. Not much, just some eye makeup, and lip gloss. It's a fancy evening so she might as well wear some. She just wanted something simple though. She usually just wore some eyeliner, so she didn't have much makeup anyway.

It wasn't long until all she had left was her hair. She brushed out her hair and looked in the mirror, trying to decide what to do. She wasn't the best at doing her hair fancy. She tried a few different things, but they looked stupid and like shit. She sighed.

The Spider and his Twin SisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora