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Tony's POV

We're back on the road, driving towards the tower. The Parker twins sat in the back seat chatting about all the stuff that happened since they last saw each other. Penny was not what I was expecting. Yes Peter told me about her, and showed me pictures of her, but they were from before she left. That was a year and a half ago. She no longer has braces like in the photos, and, not to sound weird, but let me just say, wow did puberty hit this girl like a truck.

"-and he kept needing help because he'd get his equations wrong. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't think he was kind of hot when he was frustrated," Penny said. I didn't catch what they were talking about, so I was a little confused when I toned into their conversation.

"What was his name again?" Peter asked.

"Hunter," Penny answered before continuing. "He touched my stuff the first couple of classes we had together but then he stopped."

Peter's POV

"I wonder why," I rolled my eyes teasingly. I know first hand how she gets when people touch her stuff. She does have OCD so she gets a pass. "Ow," I whined when she elbowed me in the side.

"Shut up," she said, then continued her story. "He's nice, and like I said, kinda hot, a lot of girls were after him. Which made me even more confused when he asked me out to the dance instead of one of the other girls."

How old was this guy again? Penny was the youngest person there because she's a prodigy, but most people in college are like 18+. Sigh. Not much I could do about it. As long as he treated her right and respected her boundaries I guess I could let it slide for now.

"We had a great time at the dance and after that he invited me to join him at different parties on an almost weekly basis. I didn't go to all of them, but I did go to some. They were crazy," Penny explained. "Then a few months ago he asked me out! Now he's my boyfriend!"

"Wow," is all I can manage. I'm not sure how to feel. I'm happy my sister is happy... but she's not exactly as street smart as I am. She's not always the best at reading people, but I'm going to trust her. She did say a few months which means it's probably been going okay.

Tony's POV

She's dating a college guy? Isn't she like 16? Should I be concerned about this? Should I just let it slide? Ugh! This whole looking after teenagers thing is harder than I thought! May, what have you done to me! 

(PLEASE READ!! Okay, which ships do you want to see Tony x Pepper and Steve x Bucky or Steve x Tony. Please help and tell me, because I can't pick.) 

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