Emotions Suck!

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TW: cheating, break up, self harm (scratching), panic attack, 
Possibly also (if not this then most likely in the future): depression, eating disorder,  
Maybe more? If you notice any more please let me know so I can add it. 

Penny woke up at like 2 AM. She wasn't exactly sure what woke her at first. She looked around and looked across the room. She saw Peter asleep across the room. He muttered in his sleep and moved around a little. He was hanging off the side of the bed, so when he moved he ended up falling off the bed, taking his blanket with him. Instead of waking up, he just muttered something incoherent as he pulled his blanket closer.

Yeah that wasn't it. That wasn't unusual. Penny blinked a couple times as she looked around. Then she reached for her phone, picking it up as she checked it. That's what woke her up. A text from her college bestie. She's two years older than Penny, but she's great. She's actually Aunt May's friend's daughter. While she was at college, Penny stayed with one of Aunt May's old friends. Zoey's great.

Penny was slightly confused about why Zoey would text her so late. Then she remembered the 5-ish hour time difference. Penny sat up, opening the messages. What she saw felt like it made her heart stop. Tears pricked her eyes as she looked at pictures of her boyfriend cheating on her with multiple different girls. She tried to take a deep breath but it caught in her throat. Her hands started shaking and she dropped her phone on her lap. She choked back a sob, not wanting to wake her brother.

Her phone buzzed in her lap. She looked down through teary eyes. Though her vision was blurry she could see the message.

Zoey Zo: I thought you should know.

Penny texted back a quick 'thanks'. She put her phone back on her nightstand before laying back on her bed. She tried to focus on her breathing as she stared up at the ceiling. Tears dripped down the side of her face as her mind whirled with a million thoughts. She couldn't process this. She could process her emotions. Penny turned, crying into her pillow.

Emotions. Stupid emotions!

As she got more riled up, breathing got harder. She turned back towards her nightstand reaching for her inhaler as she started gasping for breath. She reached a little too far and ended up falling off her bed. She let out a louder sob as she tried to sit upright. She could hardly move because her lungs burned and chest ached.

She knew she needed help and tried to call out for Peter, but couldn't get the air to. She slapped her hand on the floor as hard as she could to try to make noise.

Peter woke up with a start. His spidey senses were now going off like crazy as he looked around. That's when he spotted Penny, having an asthma attack. Maybe even a panic attack too.

Peter shot up out of bed and ran to Penny, helping her sit up as he grabbed her inhaler off the nightstand.

"Deep breath..." Peter said. He helped guide Penny through until her breathing was back to normal. "What happened?" He asked.

Before Penny could answer there was a knock on the door. The door opened open and Tony stepped in. "Everything okay? I heard a loud noise and Friday said your heart rates spiked," he said. His room was right under theirs.

"We're fine," Penny said. "I had a panic attack which caused an asthma attack."

"You okay?"

Penny nodded. "Yeah."

"What caused..." Peter trailed off.

"Uh... nightmare," Penny said. Peter could tell something didn't seem right with her answer, but she's probably just embarrassed.

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