Finally Back

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Peter's POV

Finally! Today is the day! I can't wait to introduce Penny to Mr. Stark and the Avengers. She's been away at the best robotics college for the past year and a half. Yes she's my twin sister, but she's really smart. Probably the whole photographic memory thing. I'm so proud of my baby sister. Anyway, she left after I got my powers, but before Mr. Stark recruited me. I'm so glad she's coming back. Originally she was supposed to be at college for 3 to 4 years, only getting a week or so randomly to come visit, but she graduated early. I've missed her so much. We've texted and facetimes practically everyday. I couldn't wait to finally tell her about all the spiderman stuff in person. I've told her over the phone about stuff in the past, but it'll be even better in person.

As soon as I'm done with school I get to go to the Avenger compound/Stark Industries, and tell everyone about my sister. I've been living with Mr. Stark and the Avengers for the past half year, Mr. Stark is basically my dad now. Now that Penny's back she'll be living there too. Mr. Stark, Ms. Potts, Happy, and мама паук (mama spider) know about Penny, but I don't think anyone else does. Well, I've mentioned her before, but I haven't shown anyone else pictures or talked much about her to them.

Today is going to be the longest day of school ever! I sighed as I got out of the car and waved by to Happy.

Time Skip

Penny's POV

My flight got in two hours early, so I don't have Peter since he's still in school. Peter did give me the number to someone called 'Happy'. However, I decided to just text Peter that I was in and to let me know when he's down with school, so that I could just walk around the city for a while. I've been gone for so long, I just wanted to take a look around and enjoy it.

Time Skip

Third Person POV

Penny walked around the city for about an hour and a half before settling down in a quiet cafe. She still had about 30 minutes until Peter was out of school. She ordered a venti mocha frappuccino, with oat milk, then sat down in the back corner. She had a suitcase, duffle bag, and her backpack. It wasn't all that fun to lug around the city, but she still enjoyed her time. After settling her stuff, she got comfy.

She pulled out her sketchbook and pencil case from her backpack. She took out a pencil and eraser out of the case. She set the eraser on it so that it was parallel with the side of the case. When everything was set in its place, she started drawing a sketch of the next invention she wanted to make. A flying-glyder-airboard (like green goblins flying thing). She took notes of stuff I could use to make it. As well as what she could use to make it fly. It's probably going to take a lot of batteries. She was also planning to make a mini prototype once she finished the initial plans and got the supplies to make said prototype.

Time Skip

Peter ran out of the school, nearly dropping his jacket and backpack. School was finally over. He texted Penny as he ran to Tony's car, who was waiting out front. Usually Happy picked him up, but since Penny was finally here, Tony decided to pick him up to go meet her.

"Hey, Mr. Stark," Peter smiled over at the man.

"Hey, Peter," Tony replied. "Should we head to the airport?"

"Actually, she got in early," Peter said. "She's at a coffee shop." He pulled up the address Penny sent him, and showed it to Tony. Tony nodded as he started driving to the location.

It wasn't long before the expensive car pulled over, parking outside a coffee shop. Peter and Tony both got out of the car and walked in. Taking a quick look around, Peter spotted his twin sister in the back. She had headphones on and seemed to hyperfocused on whatever she was writing/drawing. A smile spread across Peter's face as he rushed over to Penny's table.

Penny glanced up just as Peter got there. She looked back down before realization hit and she looked back up. The smile on her face quickly mirror's Peter's. She quickly took off her headphones as she stood up, hugging him.

"I've missed you!" they both said at the same time, making them both let out small laughs.

Tony stood nearby, watching the interaction between the Parker Twins. He couldn't help but smile at the interaction. The two were just too cute.

Peter turned to Tony. "Penny, this is Mr. Stark. Mr. Stark this is Penny," he introduced the two.

Penny put out her hand, "It's nice to finally meet you, Mr. Stark. Peter mentions you all the time during our calls."

"You as well," Tony said, shaking her hand. "Peter's told me a lot about you. He's told me you're quite the engineer."

"I'm definitely not as good as you," Penny said. "But, not to brag, I am a bit of a prodigy. I did just graduate from one of the best robotics colleges in only a year and a half."

"I've heard. Impressive." 

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