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When morning came, Christian was sprawled on the bed with blankets and sheets twisted snoring away as his eldest sister was drawing on his face with a black marker.

"You're awake early." Sarah's voice emanated from the hallway. "Breakfast is ready." When she peeked through the opened room she put her hands on her hips. "Ashley."

"What?" She asked "innocently."

"Christian can't meet dad's colleague with stuff all over his face."

"Relax. It's not permanent. Besides, you can't tell me that you and the others haven't wanted to do this."

"I never thought of writing on our brother's face, ever. And I'm sure the others haven't neither."

"I'm sure Roger and Jacob would if I offered for them to join me." Sarah gave her a look. "Fine." Ashley said. "I'm just about finished anyway." When she exited the bedroom, Sarah couldn't help observing her sister's artwork and giggled a bit. "See?" Ashley reappeared next to her with the marker in her hands. "It's not too late to add your own John Hancock on our dear brother."

Sarah hummed in thought. "Maybe just this once." she said. Ashley handed the marker to her with a smirk plastered on her face.

A couple minutes passed before Troy's voice was heard at the doorway. "You're finally being courteous enough to let me change the sheets." When he peeked in, he saw Ashley sniggering as quietly as possible while Sarah colors Christian's nose. "What are you troublemakers doing?" They jolted causing Sarah to accidentally draw a line on his cheek.

The motion stirred Christian awake. "Morning." he yawned at his sisters.

"Morning little bro." Ashley greeted him.

"What time is it?"

"It's breakfast time."

"Oh Good."

Ashley grabbed Christian and is tugging him out of the room. "We better hurry before everything is gone. Carry on, Troy." she rushed out with Christian and Sarah right behind them.

"I don't get paid enough for this." Troy stated before looking at the messy bed. "Definitely not."

When Christian and his sister's made it downstairs into the dining hall. "Good morning." their mother happily greeted before spotting them. "Oh my."

"What is it my darling?" Calvin asked with a newspaper in his hands as Christian's other siblings are snickering. Upon hearing this, he put the paper down and saw what happened.

"Why's everyone laughing?" Christian asked half-awake.

Jacob presented a clean plate to him. "Look into this plate and see for yourself."

"Children." Calvin's voice grew stern.

Christian walked over and took the plate before seeing his reflection shining through the plate. "It's just the marker on my face." he mumbled before snapping his eyes wide open and looking at himself more frantically causing all his siblings to kill over. "Ashley!" Christan yelled at his eldest sister. And then scowled at Sarah. "And I can't believe you would do that to me!"

"I'm sorry bro. Really I am." Sarah tried speaking but failing.

Christian pointed at Ashley accusingly. "How dare you take Sarah to the dark side!"

"The dark side?" Ashley asked in amusement.

"Yes, the dark side! You are one of the most conniving people I've ever met!"

"Please stop." Ashley is laughing harder than before. "You're killing me."

Christian scowled at her before Tracy intervened. "Now. Now." she gently placed her hand on Christian's shoulder. "Let's get you all cleaned up and fed before your teacher arrives."

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