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"Swerve it." Ashley instructed as she and Christian swish the red liquid in the wine glasses they're holding. "And sniff it gently. Not like earlier when you took a big whiff and coughed."

Christian gave her the stink eye. "Excuse me for trying to show enthusiasm. Besides, this is our third glass and it all smells and tastes the same to me."

"Keep trying." Ashley persisted. "And I'm sure you'll get the hang of it."

Francesca happily took a sip of her glass before saying, "Don't force him, Ash. Even the most trained vampires took time to taste and smell the difference of blood. I say we finish these up and head out before you give yourself an aneurysm."

Ashley pouted before mumbling, "Alright."

Christian mouthed, "Thank you." to Francesca.

She mouthed, "You're welcome."

When they left, Christian's thirst has been taken care of. "I am not giving up on you." Ashley said in determination. "You will learn more about blood textures even if it kills me."

Francesca sniggered before pressing the FOB in her hands where a white Audi flashed its lights. "Thanks for joining me. "Let's call and text each other." She told Ashley before looking at Christian. "And I'll be sure to visit the coffee shop if I'm in the neighborhood." she opened the door, waved at them, went inside, and drove off. They watched as she headed down the dirt path and beeped at them before disappearing into the darkness.

Ashley checked the time on her phone. "It's only seven thirty." She stated. "The night's still young, so I say, let's visit the pub that we passed on our way here."

"Do we have to? I have work first thing in the morning."

"Hell yeah we have to. You owe me since you couldn't taste well."


"C'mon. Don't be an old hermit. We'll have a couple of quick drinks and then head home."

"But who'll drive us?"

"Oh yeah." she looked at him. "Would you be a dear and be my designated driver?"

Christian frowned at her. "Ashley."

"Please." she batted her long eyelashes.

Christian groaned. "Fine. But you're paying for an Uber when I drop you off."

She pulled him into a tight hug. "You're my favorite brother."

"Yeah. Yeah. Give me your keys so I can adjust the driver's seat and get used to your car."

"You just don't want me to drive."

"That too."

She pouted before handing him her keys and loaded into the red Mercedes. When Christian rearranged the seat and mirrors to where he can see, he put the car into gear and drove off. Twenty minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot of a bar with a green neon sign that had Lucky's lit up.

"Ooh. You think it's an Irish bar?" Ashley asked.

"Don't know. Why?" Christian asked back.

"I want to be prepared for in case I meet a hot guy with an Irish accent." she explained as she touched up her lipstick and adjusted her top to where her girls are nearly hanging out.

"Don't you dare hook-up with somebody and leave me out in the middle of nowhere." Christian warned.

"Relax." Ashley handed him a credit card. "Use my emergency credit card if I meet someone and hail a cab."

"Are you nuts? Ashley? Ashley?" Christian rushed out of the car after his eldest sister as she made a bee-line for the entrance.

An hour later, all the men are drooling over Ashley as she puts a cherry in her mouth. And after a second, pulled it out to reveal the stem is tied in a knot.

Christian finished the sprite with a hint of cherry in it. "Another Shirley Temple?" the bar tender asked him.

"You're offering me a fourth drink?"

The bar tender snorted. "I only cut people off if the drinks had liquor in them, so I think you're okay."

"But still." Christian muttered when a group of rambunctious men entered the smoke filled room and taking a seat at one of the wooden tables.

Ashley ordered another drink before eyeing them. "Now we're talking."

Christian's eyes widened. "You're kidding, right?"

She accepted another shot of tequila a swallowed in one go as a tall silhouette stood next to them.

"Six bottles of Corona." Christian looked up in surprise.

"Sean?" Ashley asked.

"Oh hey." Sean said.

"What are you doing here?" Ashley questioned.

"A buddy's bachelor party that's still going on. What about you guys?"

Ashley is sucking a lime with salt on it that a man offered her. "Was at a tasting up the street and thought we'd stop for a couple drinks."

The bar tender handed Sean a tray of bottles and placed another glass in front of Christian. Sean's eyebrow raised when he eyed Christian's drink. "Shirley Temple." Christian explained to him. "I'm her designated driver."

Sean smiled at him. "How kind of you. Normally your other siblings ditch her after the first ten minutes to leave her to fend for herself."

Christian's eyes widened. "That's an option? Wait, no. I can't do that. I know she wouldn't leave me so." he looked to over to see Ashley had disappeared and ended up at the table where Sean's friends are. "She left me."

Sean chuckled earning a glare from him. "Sorry." he said before clearing his throat. "How about joining us?" he offered. "I'll even help you carry her out if she gets too much to handle."

Christian pondered for a moment before saying, "Sure. Let me just take a quick trip to the bathroom first. Those sprites are kicking in."

"Thank you." Sean said. "I was about to ask what you were drinking. But, why were they red?"

Christian looked annoyed. "It came with cherries. You got a problem with it?" he put his hands out to surrender. "Good. Now, if you'll excuse me for a moment." He was about to head to the bathroom when the front door opened, and Graham entered. "Shoot!" Christian cursed before running for his life to hide in the men's washroom.

"He must really need to go." Sean said before hearing his name being called and walked over with the beer in his hands.

Graham scanned the bar when his eyes locked with Ashley's. She smiled before rushing to him as the group of guys complained when she left.

"Hey there handsome. How about I buy you a drink?" Ashley slurred at him.

Graham glanced at the group then at Ashley. "Werewolves." he guessed.

"Ding. Ding. Ding. We have a winner." Ashley sang before letting out a belch. "Pardon me." she said. "I think that last drink came back to haunt me."

Graham smirked. "Excellent." He stared deeply into her eyes and made her go slack. "Now, meet me in the back in five minutes."

"No prob." she spoke in a monotone voice.

He pinched her cheek before walking past her and headed to the bar to order a drink.

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