"Thank you," she said, "For being here."

"Thank you for letting me in."

We didn't realize we've been talking almost the whole night, so we had to wake up about half an hour after we fell asleep. I have no regrets though, I think we're getting somewhere. We got ready and got to the station.

We found a new lead right after we got there. I was sent to a house on a farm with Emily to check it out. We went and through a window we saw a woman with a gun in her hands. We shared a look and walked inside.

"Stay away or I'll shoot," she yelled.

"Okay, just put the gun down, it's okay," Emily said.

"No. You're not gonna take my babies," she said.

"Those aren't your babies Eleanor. That already have parents," I said.

"Shut up!" She yelled.

"Okay, okay. Where are they? Are they taking a nap?" I asked.

"Yeah, in the next room," she said.

"Okay. Now put your gun down, or my friend here will shoot you and the babies will be all alone. You don't want that, do you?" I asked.

"No," she whispered lowering her weapon, "I don't."

"Good," I said.

She put her gun down and I went to get the babies. Both the boy and the girl alive and well. That's the best outcome we can get, the UnSub arrested and all the victims survived. Too bad it rarely happens.

I took the babies and we drove back to the station. Emily drove us. I called the parents on our way to let them know we found the babies and they were on their way now too.

We got there and I gave the babies to Emily telling her to wait a minute. She took them and waited while I went to find Jennifer.

"Hey JJ. Come with me, you're gonna wanna see that," I said.

We went back to Emily and watched her give the babies back to their parents. The happiness and joy is something we can never get enough of after reuniting families.
Everyone was watching them with big smiles just taking the view in to remember there's still good out here. After that we were off to Quantico.

On the jet I drank a lot of coffee trying to make up for the lost sleep. Emily and Derek were listening to music, Spencer reading a book, Dave was drinking with Aaron and JJ was asleep.

I was looking through the window, Garcia opposite from me. I was just thinking about the babies and smiling. I was really happy we saved them in time and JJ starting to trust me is a good thing either. It was overall a good day.

"The light is back," Garcia said.

"The light never left, the windows were just closed," I said.

Just to humor her.

I heard some stirring sounds so I looked over my shoulder and noticed JJ breathing a little rapidly. I figured she was having a dream, possibly a nightmare so I went over there and shook her gently.

"Hey, JJ," I whispered. Nothing, "Jayje," I said a little louder.

She opened her eyes and sat up quickly, looking around and then her eyes landed on me.

"It's okay, you had a nightmare," I said.

"Oh. I did," she said, panting.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Okay," I said sitting beside her and helping her to lay back down with her head in my lap, "Go back to sleep," I said running my fingers through her hair.

Better days (JJxOC)Where stories live. Discover now