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"when are you coming back?"

"i'll be back on thursday" the man replied on the other line, which made her sigh "it's so boring without you around, dad

xiaoqi was currently lying on the couch, on a call with her father. "you could invite some friends over if you're that bored" he suggested.

"but yangyang is probably gaming right now, so i don't want to bother him, and yeobin is- hold on, someone's knocking on the door"

xiaoqi stood up from the sofa, and made her way towards the door, peeking through the small peephole, and gasped, closing the peephole and backed away.

"xiaoqi," her dad called out from the other line "whats wrong?"

she licked her lips, trying to stabilize her breathing since she felt her breathing grow fast, heartbeat palpitating, and her palms started to sweat.

"she's here" she managed to let out, which made her dad silent for a long while, before replying "what are you waiting for then, open the door, she is your mother after all" he said, and she hummed before she ended the call and placed the phone on top of the shoe rack, before her hand made its way to unlock the door.

her grip tightened on the lock as she gulped, that woman didn't even talk to me ever since she ran away, what does she want now?!

xiaoqi unlocked the door, before opening it, revealing a woman who looked slightly shorter than her.

the woman scanned her daughter for a while, before she spoke "you look... different."

maybe thats because the last time you saw me was when you gave birth to me. xiaoqi mentally rolled her eyes at the thought.

"come inside" xiaoqi said, avoiding her mothers gaze. she let the woman inside, as they both sat on the sofa "so, you want to drink anything?" asked xiaoqi, but her mother shook her head sideways. 

"i just want to talk to you" she stated. "by the way, do you... really not have anemia?"

her question made the girl stare at the older in disbelief, before she shot up from her seat "is that all you fucking care about? you meet your daughter after what? twenty-three years, and the first thing that you have the courage to ask is that? don't you have any shame? don't you feel even the slightest bit of guilt after you left dad and i? do you know how hard it was for him to raise me alone?!"

as her questions increased, so did her voice, and the woman just stared at her daughter who was fuming "sweetie-"

"you have no right to call me that. do you know how hard it was for dad after you left? he had to work during extra shifts just so that he could earn money to rent a god damn house, he suffered from depression for four years straight, and he had to raise me alone because back then, none of his family members were willing to help him.

 and me? i had to go through years of getting teased because i didn't have a mother, i had to skip going to school on mother's day because the school holds events for that and i couldn't stand just watching a mother holding the hand of her and giggling like they were in their own stupid world as they enter the school, and i had to move here because i couldn't handle how my neighbor would tease me about how i have no mother, does that sounds delightful to you?

xiaoqi felt tears running down her cheeks, as she continued "don't you feel any guilt for me? did you ever think of me for even once while you were gone? did you ever think for once, about how much it would affect dad and i? because we struggled alot, and if you're here to beg us for you to re-join this family after you betray us, then i disagree. dad and i are living a great life right now , so we dont want you to interrupt it and turn our happiness upside down like you did twenty three years ago"

xiaoqi's mother was left speechless, before she found herself to speak "but xiaoqi-"

"you know what, i really can't deal with your bullshit right now. get out" xiaoqi pointed at the door, and that made the woman tear up.

she knew xiaoqi would be upset, but not to this extent.

"hear me out-"

"get. out." xiaoqi grit her teeth, her finger still pointing at the door, which made the woman sigh before standing up "bye, xiaoqi" she muttered, walking away, and xiaoqi felt a train of regret hit her, as her arm dropped beside her waist, and before she could sit down, she heard the doorbell ring.

she stood up, and walked towards the door before opening it, knowing who it was.

"hey, who's that lady who was crying while- oh"


i am not really used to writing dramatic chapters so m sorry if it cringes you out.

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