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"okay, why are we in here again?"

xiaoqi asked the older girl, who was holding onto a shopping bag that was filled with cans of beer. they were currently in a convenience store to buy beer because the night shifters liked to drink beer. xiaoqi found it as a weird excuse, but she just shrugged it off.

"can i at least get some maltesers?" asked the lu, pointing at the maltesers, and yeobin hummed "sure, take two and lets go pay for these."

xiaoqi took two packets, before she followed the older girl to the counter, where the cashier stood, and gave the shopping bag. xiaoqi kept the two packets of maltesers on the counter, and she watched as he scanned the items, before looking back at his computer "that will be thirty two thousand four hundred and fifty won"

hearing the amount, it made the chinese girl gulp, and yeobin seemed to notice that "dont feel bad, its barely even a hundred dollars. a thousand won is basically considered a dollar"

yeobin payed for everything, and she received a plastic big filled with the items they bought. and so they exited the convenience store, as yeobin gave her a maltesers packet "so, hows it like to be multinational?" asked the older girl, who was being half sarcastic.

"well, i have never seen my mother after she had given birth to me but i do know how she looks, but its funny to hear them argue on the phone, dad argues in spanish and mom argues in cantonese because obviously spanish people speak spanish, so dad would know what she talks about, and dad cant speak or understand cantonese" explains, tearing one side of the packet before she plopped a malteser in her mouth. 

"ooh, we love a hispanic mommy" yeobin teased, to which the younger chose to reply with a giggle.

"anyways, you said your a science student, what career did u choose to pursue?" asked the older girl, as she opened the door of the café, which was dark since all lights were turned off 

"oh, i chose to be an- OH FUCK"


never in her entire life, had she ever come home to see anyone yelling 'surprise' while standing in front of a counter where there was a huge cake and a few other snacks placed on top.

of course, it had made her teary eyed, but she chose not to cry "oh my god, when did you guys plan this?" she walked towards them, standing in front of the counter so she was facing them.

"you know, that was the whole reason i took you to the store with me and also why i kept asking for kitchen updates." yeobin admitted, and xiaoqi couldn't do anything but just smile.

"thank you. like- really, thank you so much for doing all this, it means a lot to me" xiaoqi hugged the girl infront of her- sohee, who patted her back "you deserve it, babes. now- lets cut the cake shall we?"

xiaoqi let out a soft chuckle, before she let go of the hug "oh wait, you even made the knife look coquette!" she exclaimed, grabbing onto the white knife which had a pink ribbon nicely tied on it to make a bow.

"alright, i am cutting the cake" she notifies, before she raised the knife a bit above the cake, before she lowered it down to cut a square piece, earning a few claps as she managed to take the piece out, and looked around "who do i feed first...you!" she walked over to yeobin, and let her take a bite, before retreating, and then she walked over to sohee, who took a small bite of the cake.

part timers. liu yangyang (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now