Ch. 10: Something's Fishy

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The next day, both Amity and Luz woke up around the same time and gazed at each other while smiling happily.

"Good morning." They said, surprising each and giggling.

"Good morning to you too." Luz said.

While outside, they were happy, their souls felt each other's presence... and since Dante and Vergil clearly have issues... that hatred was still VERY strong.

'YOU.' Yamato said, glaring at red energy inside of Amity's soul.

'Longer time no see, "bro."' Rebellion said with a chuckle.

Neither of their wielders know what was happening within them. Not yet at least.

Outside of their souls, Luz and Amity just felt a strange urge to get away from the other.

It was strange. They never felt this way about each other before, not even when they weren't together, and they did their best to ignore it as they shared a morning kiss.

After the kiss, they went their separate ways and got dressed for the day.

Luz grabbed her stuff and went to school while Amity began helping around the house before heading to the forest.

'Now that your girlfriend is gone, we can make time to train.' Rebellion said to Amity.

'Sure but...what was that this morning?' Amity thought, remembering her and Luz waking up. 'I felt so much hatred towards Luz.'

'Don't worry about that right now.' Rebellion said.

'But how could I hate Luz? I love her with all my heart.' Amity thought.

'It could be your new powers, they might be just acting like a protective animal.' Rebellion said but that was a lie. 'It'll probably go away after some practice.'

Amity didn't know if this was true or not but she was going to trust the ancient sword of demonic power. After all, it did know a lot more than she did.

'Okay, so how about this? We can train more late at night, so nobody knows.' Amity thought, vacuuming the den.

'That works fine. Your quest for a portal door is important and nightly training helps keep me a secret for now.' Rebellion said.

Speaking of the door, after she was done cleaning, Amity was heading to the cabin for a personal reason.

"I'm pretty sure Ghost should be there. I haven't seen her since yesterday, so she must be there." Amity muttered to herself.

Upon arriving, Amity pushed the door open before hearing a meow.

'Looks like you were right.' Rebellion said as it could "see" Ghost playing with a rock inside. 'Cute cat, or palisman as you call it.'

'It works either way.' Amity thought as Ghost saw her and ran up to her embrace.

Suddenly, Ghost stopped and began running around Amity's legs before then towards the basement.

"Ghost?" Amity asked, confused by this.

She followed after her palisman, wondering why she suddenly ran into the basement.

She saw that Ghost was scratching at a random wall before looking at Amity and waiting for her.

"What is it, Ghost?" Amity said before she felt her bracelet glow, making her look at it. "Rebellion?"

'Something is here.' Rebellion said to her.

"Really? What's behind that wall?" Amity asked her bracelet/sword.

'Something very useful. Place your hand in it.' Rebellion said to Amity.

"Okay." Amity said as she placed her right hand in the wall.

Just like with Luz, the Rebellion formed in a flash of red as the secret pathway opened and the stairwell lights up with torches on the walls.

"What in the Titan?" Amity said, shocked.

'I knew someone found this... the person that has the Yamato has already accessed here.' Rebellion said.

"But what is here?" Amity asked as she and Ghost slowly walked down the steps.

'Long story short, you will come across demons similar to the ones in the visions I showed you. And through them, you will gain hardened blood that can help increase your power and new demon weapons to help you fight.' Rebellion quickly explained. 'This place is a shrine to help you cash in the hard blood to become stronger.'

Reaching the bottom, Amity saw the divinity statue and gasped in awe.

"Woah." Amity said softly.

'Yeah, when you get demon blood, you can use it, but for now, we need to train.' Rebellion said.

"Demon blood?" Amity asked before Rebellion feed her the information. "I see."

Amity nodded before looking at Ghost, seeing her palisman tilting her head in confusion of this place and the sword.

"Mama needs you to keep this a secret, okay Ghost? So this and I'll give you those human fishy cracker snacks for kittens." Amity said with a smile.

"Meow." Ghost said as she saluted.

'That is fucking adorable. Now, let's get to work, Pinky.' Rebellion said.

'Please tell me that won't be what you call me.' Amity thought.

'Maybe it'll change later. Now less talk, more work.' Rebellion said.

Amity sighed as she held the sword with both hands, slipping one foot back to her dominant foot was forward.

She swung the sword. Once, twice, thrice; Amity was just swinging the sword in any way she felt. Somehow just feeling that the way she was swinging was right.

'Good. Straighten your form but let your arms relax a bit. You'll hurt your arms like that.' Rebellion said to her.

Amity nodded as she adjusted herself, swinging much better than before.

'That's it, good. Now put more style into it!' Rebellion said.

"Style?" Amity asked, pausing mid-swing.

'Yes. Style. Dante's "stylish" fighting style helped through enemies off and leaves them open to attacks. Plus, it's more moldable and changeable on the spot.' Rebellion said.

Amity got flashes of Dante's fighting style and found it rather...scandalous.

'This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever done.' Amity thought, 'Luz should've gotten this sword, it would work better with her upbeat personality.'

The Rebellion looked at Amity's memories, seeing that Luz was a very upbeat person and full of life. She would've made an ideal wielded of it IF the Yamato had not called out of her first.

Though, it would keep that from Amity for now.

'I don't know if we can save her but we can at least try.' Rebellion said to itself before going back to training Amity.

All the while, Ghost watched in awe as she wondered where the sword came from and how her witch was wielding it so well.

"Meow." Ghost said.

"I'll explain later, sweetie. Over some fishy crackers!" Amity said.

That settled Ghost's curiosity. Anything that gets her fishy crackers was enough for her.

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