Chapter 8

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Sir Thomas: "Okay everyone, I'm sure you already know, but I'm going to go over today's schedule one last time."

Everyone, excluding me and Ashlyn, are either taking a nap, playfully fighting, or their phones, or annoyed by some people.

Sir Thomas: "In about four hours. we'll stop to get something to eat."

Great, thats way too long. I'm already hungry! Guess I gotta try to resist...

Sir Thomas: "Once we get to Savannah, you and your groups will have two hours to eat, go on tours, look at historic monuments, explore the area, goof off, etc. After, we'll all meet back up at the bus and hesd to the motels. Everyone who has a phone has Mr. Lee's, Mrs. Sarah's, and my number, correct?"

As he said the last part, the two memtioned teachers look at us and wave.

Everyone: "Yes!/Yes."

Sir Thomas: "Alright, then lets get this show on the road!"

So, this is the seating arrangement of our group(left side of the bus):

Tyler | Taylor
Ashlyn | Carter | Aiden
Ben | Logan

Obviously, Ashlyn takes up the window seat while I go between her and Aiden. She wants to be close to someone she knows and trusts, which is me. She is pretty uncomfortable with sitting with other, so its understandable for her to sit close to me more than anyone else. But...

Carter: Why do I have to be squeezed between them...?

Looking at Ashlyn, I can tell that she is uncomfortable, so I hold her hand in a caring manner.

Carter: "Dont worry Ashy, I'm here."

Ashlyn looks at our holding hands. I swear I can see a hint of red and a smile on her face for a split second.

Ashlyn: "Thanks."

Then, Aiden butts in, wanting to start a conversation. I immediately let go of her hand out of embarrassment.

Aiden: "Wanna try, you two?"

Both me and Ashlyn look at Aiden, who is holding a 4×4 rubiks cube.

I guess Ashlyn gave up, as she replies to him.

Ashlyn: "I'm not a big puzzle person."

I join in as well.

Carter: "Yeah, its too complex for my mind."

Aiden: "It'll be a good way to pass the time. And I have plenty to choose from."

He opens his bag, to see so much cubes.

Carter & Ashlyn: WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MANY?!

Both me and Ashlyn look at eachother, at the bag, and to Aiden.

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