Chapter two: 10 Years Later

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I kicked the floor out of boredom. Me and ligma were growing further apart and it felt horrible. It has been ten whole years since we first met on Ohio street but it only felt as if a few days had gone by since.
"So uhh ligma," I was unsure about how to start a conversation so I just said the first thing that came to mind. "How's the alpha academy going? Have you become a strong and powerful alpha yet? Or are you still beta level?" I asked my friend.
"I dropped out of the alpha academy 3 years after we met." Ligma said as he stared at his feet. "Oh.. I forgot, I'm Sorry." I said, unable to look at ligma out of pure embarrassment and regret. "Listen, ligma, I just wanted to ask you something" I said as i tried to look at him in the eyes. "You've been distancing yourself from me and basically everyone you know, are you okay?"
"I'm fine midnight! Just leave me alone."
"Oh.." I started walking towards the exit, too ashamed to stay in my friends house for any longer. "Wait!" I stopped right before I reached the door.
"Please meet me in skibidi alley tomorrow night." I heard ligma say from behind me. I gave him a small nod to signal that I heard him.

I was halfway home before I decided to check the moon, it was almost full. It was strange that ligma had decided to meet tomorrow night, when the moon would be full and my alpha powers would be at their strongest. I shrugged it off and continued walking to house.
As I reached the door to my house I froze for a moment. I had just remembered that during a full moon my immortality would suddenly disappear. I knew this because one night I was walking down Ohio street when I scraped my knee on the floor and started bleeding. And skibidi alley.. it sounded like a sketchy place to be meeting during the one time I could be harmed, but no, nothing would happen. After all, I am just going to see my friend. I walked inside at last and ran up to my room. I flopped onto my bed and passed out asleep.

The Alpha And The RizzlerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora