'Cause there's a hard rain gonna fall
Humbugs, gumdrops, and aniseed balls
Fireworks bring sugar string
To chew

He gave Jane a kiss on her hair and threw candy at the people standing under the umbrella's. Noodle shot of the garlands. In all of the happiness she was feeling, Jane joined Willy's singing. (The bold lyrics)

All the colors of the rainbow
And some others too

A world of our own (a world of our own)
A place to escape to (a place to escape to)
The world of our own (a world of our own)
Where we can be free (where we can be free)
Wherever you go (wherever you go)
Wherever life takes you (wherever life takes you)
This is our home
A world of our own

A rainbow appeared behind the two. As it sat there still, Willy helped Jane down in the tree, back to the trunk. He looked at her as he sang about their new home. appearing on a boat with Jane next to him, they clinked their cups together, smiling at each other.

At the counter, Abacus was helping a customer. "So, mushrooms, pears, assorted flowers. That comes to 89 sovereigns." 

The man hands him money "Bargained at twice the price" 

"Thank you sir. and now how would you like your change? Spendable or edible?"   Abacus asked, gesturing to the cash register. 

"Oh edible please." The man said, and turned around his hat to let the money fall into it. 

"Enjoy, and uh don't forget to eat your basket." Abacus called. 

Abacus got called by Noodle silently. He turned around, and Noodle said "Abacus, that man just gave us a hundred sovereigns!" They were as excited as humanly possible. "I know Noodle." 

As the man walked outside, he saw his reflection in the glass window. His hair was growing and turning blue! 

He turned around and called "Uh, mister Wonka."

Willy, who was talking to a customer, turned around and looked at the man saying "yes?"

The man looked at his still growing hair, confused and asked "What's going on here?"

Willy walked up to him, panicking inside. this wasn't supposed to happen! "Oh my goodness." He said in disbelieve "That's impossible. Unless." He bend down and picked up a flower, eating a piece of it. 

His eyes widened in realization as to what happened to the flowers. "Yeti sweat?" 

The man, whose eyebrows and beard were now also growing and turning blue, asked in rage and confusion "Yeti sweat?" 

"The most powerful hair potion in the world. But I didn't put it in there." Willy stood still for a second, then ran up the pink path.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Your attention, please! There appears to be a manufacturing error. Nobody eat the flowers!" He announced, sending people into worry and confusion.

"Uh, why not?" Asked a woman, who's hair was now turning green and was growing a goatee.

Another man, holding a bouquet of the flowers questioned "What's wrong with them?" 

"What's the matter with this toadstool? My daughter just took one bite and now look at her!" An angry woman with her child called angrily

"I'm terribly sorry everyone, and I don't know how to explain this but... it appears the chocolates have een poisoned!"

Everyone got angry at Willy and began to tear down the shop.

In the chaos, Jane was looking around for a way to Willy, when a pile of wood from the ceiling fell on top of her, knocking her unconscious.  

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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