Chapter four: the blazing briliance

ابدأ من البداية

"no problem" ambrosia said as she cleaned her dagger. in a moment a huge building started collapsing near them due to monsters. "EVERYONE, RUN" carlos yelled as they all ran away from the falling debris. a dark creature in the form o some sort of snake landed in front of them from the sky. as it hissed at them and in a moment it slithered between them and whipped them with its tail. "SLITHERY CUNT" david yelled as he activated his magic and threw light magic orbs at it. the monster quickly dodged all the light orbs sent at it and slithered at david. as he saw this he used his magic to pick up a falling desk, and slammed it in the creatures head. knocking out.

as they all regrouped jake asked. "JEEZ ARE YOU ALL OKAY??" in panic. "im fine" isabella said. "im okay too, dont worry about me bro" carlos said as he sheathed his katana. "im okay" david said as he untied his hair, it was now down to his butt and had dead ends, "we will never find her in this city" isabella said. after a few seconds a voice popped out from the shadows of the  ruins. "oh but you did." lana popped out of the dark along with henry (the man with hydromancy) "you betrayed me. you didnt even think about rescuing me all this time you left me to ROT with mom and dad in this city.  i will not be betrayed by you another time" lana says as she quickly sends fireballs at david. he quickly blocks them using his polearm. "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT IM HERE TO HELP YOU" david said as he kept dodging the attacks lana sent at him "LIES, YOUR A LYING FREAK" lana said as she sent a fire beam at him. 

henry used his hydromancy to grab water from some puddles and he went for the group, he  threw water blasts at carlos. carlos dodged it and quickly unsheathed his katana. henry  quickly made powerful wave of water and  sent it directly at ambrosia isabella and jake carlos used his telekinesis with one hand while holding his katana with the other to grab some big metal bars and threw them at henry. henry ran out of the way and counter attacked carlos with a water blast to the stomach that pushed him down to the ground. "LANA I DONT WANT TO FIGHT YOU, PLEASE LISTEN TO ME" david said as he kept blocking fireballs. "I WONT LISTEN TO YOU, FREAK"  lana used the slight karate knowledge she had and mixed it with fire magic. as she landed down next to david she used her legs to quickly shoot fire at david. "alright bitch your getting on my nerves. YOU WANNA FIGHT? LETS GO" david jumped over lana and used his light magic to pick her up and throw her into a near building, she used a fire blast to shield herself and charged back at david. she sent multiple big fire attacks at david combined with fire slashes that could cut him in half. david used his light magic to grab a car and use it as a shield. he enhanced his polearm with light magic and went straight for lana. he quickly hit her in the face and then he used the other end of his polearm to hit her stomach. lana got up and karate kicked him in the stomach sending him back a few feet. he ran towards her and attacked her with his polearm very quickly. 

 she got hit by some attacks and the blade cut pretty deep. david kept attacking quickly at her face waist and feet. lana grabbed his polearm and pulled him in she then sent a fireball at his stomach pushing him down. "agh.. you got stronger." david laughed as he got up and sent several light blasts at lana. "STOP BOTH OF YOU"  a voice said 

a middle aged police man said while pointing his gun at them "YOUR UNDER ARREST COME WITH ME" as henry heard this he ran away from ambrosia carlos and isabella and jumped to the police man. he grabbed some water from one of the many pipes using his hydrokinesis he summoned a sharp wave and sent it to the police man slicing him in half instantly. "useless" he said as he used the water from below to make water spikes. he threw them at the three, carlos grabbed a bookshelf with his telekinesis and threw it at henry, henry jumped over it and he sent more water spikes to them. "come and get it" david said as he used his light  magic to grab his polearm from lanas hands. he gripped it and rotated it around his body while he waited for lana to attack him. "idiot thinks hes so good huh?" lana thought as she smirked and sent a fire beam at david.

terror of asteriaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن