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❝ Happy birthday, Harry

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Happy birthday, Harry.


Liliana had learned a lot about her abilities over the short course of summer — the importance behind emotional control, the distinction between verbal and non-verbal thoughts, and ways to step away from the shadows she hid in. Her last lesson, at least until term started up, involved testing her improved legilimency on Hermione.

With her consent, Liliana attempted to create a distinction between the words her sister spoke aloud and those whispered in her mind. But Hermione didn't let her have it easy. Sometimes, she would mouth her thoughts to trick her sister, but Liliana noticed her ruse almost immediately and called her on it.

"I'm impressed," Hermione said with a small smile.

Liliana smirked. "When are you not?"

When the lesson concluded, Minerva deemed her aptitude to be in a promising state. Liliana blushed a bit at the proud twinkle she noted in her emerald eyes.

"On Wednesday," Minerva then said, handing the Granger sisters two envelopes sealed with red wax and an elaborate school emblem, "I will be taking you lot to Diagon Alley to purchase your school supplies."

Liliana opened her envelope and read over the piece of parchment — on it were written lists labeled uniforms, books, and other equipment, things they'd need from the little wizarding town.

"I'll be here at nine o'clock sharp," Minerva continued once they read over the letters' contents. "Please be ready."

Hermione turned to her sister, wiggling her brows. "Hear that, Lili?"

Liliana rolled her eyes. "Loud and clear."

"She likes to sleep in," Hermione told Minerva in a not-so sneaky whisper.

"Really?" Liliana deadpanned.

Minerva shook her head at the duo as they started to bicker, but a contrasting smile twitched at her lips.


Wednesday morning rolled around, and Liliana had been pillow-whacked awake by Hermione. She turned onto her stomach and let the hits strike her in the back, desperate to soak up some last minutes of sleep.

"Come — on — sleepyhead —" Hermione said, her hair a bushy mess due to the whack induced winds.

Liliana groaned, but turned over and rubbed her weary eyes. "Waz 'a time?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "8:30 a.m."

The weariness dissolved into panic. Liliana threw her covers off and rushed to the bathroom, Hermione shaking her head with disapproval. She brushed her teeth, braided her hair, and put on her blue overalls and a flannel in record time.

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