Chapter Seven: That's all you need to know, heartbreaker.

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I am absolutely lost. Before it was in a bad way, but now it is in a beautiful, wonderful way.

I don't know what happened to the Max from before. He's different, tonight. He's still infuriating, but in a more playful way. I don't actively dislike him, right now. At least not for tonight.

"Thank you for coming with me tonight," he runs a hand through his sopping wet mop of hair once we're back at the hotel.

"It was better than I expected it to be," I smirk.

He puts a hand on my upper arm and squeezes firmly, sending a shot of electricity through me in a way that nearly gives me goosebumps. "Seriously, Addy. Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me," I smile. He turns to let himself into his room, when I realize I'm still wearing his jacket. "Oh," I call out, "your jacket."

"Keep it," he grins, glancing over his shoulder, "for now."

I can't help but smile to myself as I push open the door to my room, praying that my friends went back to sleep.

"Adelaide Ivy Parkson-Hill!" Bianca scolds as I walk in. I glance around to see Leo, Dylan, Chloe, and Ace, staring at me incredulously.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," I mumble.

"We've been so worried!" Leo hooks his arm around my neck, putting me into a loose headlock.

"Look, I'm sorry. I should've texted, but I'm fine," I choke out, breaking free from his grip.

"Where the hell have you been?" Chloe asks with wide eyes.

"She's soaking wet," Dylan comments.

I glance at Ace, who eyes me with furrowed brows and a hint of hurt.

"That's Max's jacket," he says, folding his arms over his chest.

Everyone stares at me in disbelief, waiting for me to speak. I'll never understand why they're so captivated by something that isn't even happening.

"I went on the roof to smoke and he came out too," I shrug, "It was cold, he gave me his jacket. No big deal."

"Glad you're okay," Ace huffs, storming past me and leaving the room.

I sigh, "I'm sorry, I should've texted you guys back. I was just overwhelmed."

"I can forgive you now that I know you were with Max," Bi squeals, wiggling her eyebrows. "Tell us everything."

I flop down onto the bed, with four sets of eyes boring into me.

"We went to the Brooklyn Bridge to watch the sunrise," I explain, "Hence why I'm soaked through."

"Did anything happen?" Dylan asks.

I shake my head, "We just talked. He's with Tallulah anyway."

"That bothers you," Leo nudges me with a grin.

I laugh, "Not at all. Just because he was nice to me for the last few hours doesn't mean I think he's any less of an asshole."

I can't tell if that's true.

"Look at her, she's smitten," Chloe laughs.

"I'm not," I burst out laughing, "Not in the slightest. We're not even friends, just partners on a project."

"Acquaintances don't skip school to swim in the sea in their underwear," Leo comments, raising a brow with a cheeky grin.

"What?!" Bi squeals.

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