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I walk over to the couch where Charlie was sitting scrolling on his phone, he looks up as I start to talk. "What are we gonna do today?"

"I don't know?" he shrugs, "I mean you anywheres fine."

"We could just walk around and see where that takes us," I explain grabbing my keys and waiting for Charlie to follow. We walk into the elevator as I hand Charlie my right airpod that was playing Style - Taylor Swift. I hear him chuckle to himself as he puts it in his ear.

"Taylor Swift again?" he jokes.

"Okay shush," I say mimicking talking with my hand, as we walk out of the elevator I pull out my phone to find the directions to the arcade place. "We're gonna go to this arcade place a block away," I stated walking as Charlie followed behind.

"Yes ma'am whatever you want," he flirted causing my face to go maroon.

I then see the arcade coming into sight as I say, "Race you," and immediately sprinting to the arcade as Charlie starts to run after me. I proceed to win as I put my thumb and pointer finger into an L and point at him causing him to cross his hands around himself and pretending to be mad.

"You cheater, you starting running before me," he jokes,

"You have long legs you could've catched up," I say as we walk into the arcade place. "Ooo we should go roller skating," I point to the roller rink.

"We should, I hope you fall," he laughs, "but only for me." Making me laugh at his terrible attempt of flirting. We get our roller skates I groan as I stand up as Charlie held his hand out for me to grab which I did. Once we get onto the rink I start to skate without fail, I couldn't say the same about Charlie who was holding onto the walls of the rink. Making me laugh while skating over to help, I offer my hand out.

"I swear if you fall-" I mumble as he falls down making me roll my eyes and laugh so hard I almost cried.

"Don't just stand there, help!" he screams as I continue to laugh then finally offering my hand to help him.

"You good?" I ask as he finally skates without falling flat on his ass,

"I really am you know, living life at the fullest," he jokes sarcastically doing the thumbs up with his left hand as his right hand was holding onto mine for dear life. After years of Charlies groaning and complaining we finally get off the rink I let out a sigh as I take the skates off.

"We gonna play some game now?" I ask as Charlie nods and walks towards the basketball shooting game. Piece of cake I thought to myself as Charlie swiped our card to start the game. Charlie has a good start shooting in 10 while I had 6 as the time ended Charlie had 23 buckets and I had 19. I jokingly shove him as he does his victory dance and putting his thumb and pointer finger together to make an L just like I did hours prior. "Ughh I could've won but you were like... all distracting," I groan,

"Someone's a soar loser," he laughs pointing at me and tapping my nose and kissing my temple, "and I know I'm so good looking it distracted you."

"Yea, yea," I attempt to change the topic, "let's play ski ball." I say dragging him to the ski ball game, we play a couple more games until I groan out, "I'm hungry." He nods and takes my hand pulling me to get food,

"So," he starts, "what do you want?"

"Umm I'll just have fries and a chocolate milkshake," I answer as he nods and repeats my order to the cashier and orders his food. I go find a free space to sit away from the kids birthday party. I look up to see Charlie holding my fries and milkshake as well as his food, he hands my food to me smiling then laughing as the screams of little kids are heard. We eat in silence occasionally talking, Charlie grabs my milkshake and takes a sip. "Wurt the flip Charlie that's mine how could you," I side eye him jokingly causing him to almost cry from laughing.

king of my heart - charlie bushnell Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon