Chapter 31

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Andrew's POV
Maybe I should make Ben set me up with his sister but first I have to tell her. I met up with her after some hours and told her my plan. She asked me the reason why I'm this I told her i will explain it later. I know Ben will call and tell her so she should act hurt and make Ben think he had won and he would comfort her and he might try to get together with her again. I know for a fact that he would take pictures of us and show it to her. I have to be prepared for the worst. I'll record everything conversation between his sister and me.

Ben's POV
I received a call from my sister saying she wants to h*ok up with one of them and I thought of someone I despise and Andrew came to mind. Since he wants to be with that h*e, I'll do anything to destroy her life. So I called Andrew told him about my sister and she said she wants to meet my friends and I would like for my friend to meet my sister. He agreed. Dumb pretty boy just fell into my trap. Thus will be fun

Andrew's pov
This is going great. He just set me up with his sister. It's going according to plan. I waited for Ben to come for me. He was saying good things about his sister. We got there and she was already seated. She waved and we approached her table....she's pretty tho I can't imagine her doing all those things. We sat there and they conversed . I was just listening to them until Ben had a call. He came back saying he had an emergency but he will be back. Yes finally. So her name is Bonnie. I also introduced myself to her. I told about my job and friend group. She wanted to see a picture of them so I showed it to her. She recognized Lexi and smiled. She was shocked I was friends with Lexi. She started talking about how she wanted to be like Brooke . I asked her why doesn't she call Lexi but rather Brooke...she was quiet...
Bonnie:I like Brooke but I can never call her Lexi because I had this friend also called Lexi, she was a bad influence, she had me do things I never thought of. She was a demon. She managed to make me do somethings and now I can't stop. She made me take some hard dr*gs which  destroyed me but right now I'm seeking medical attention.
Andrew: what did she do to you? To such a pretty girl
Bonnie:* well she told her story, I understand. It was all a misunderstanding, Lexi isn't at fault but she bore the consequences*
Andrew: Oh my gosh...I'm sorry all this happened to you...come let me give you a hug.* she embraced me and cried that's when i saw Lexi standing outside with Ben by her side, she saw me and smiled. They entered and Ben acted shock and Lexi started crying.
Lexi: is this how you're repaying me for being nice to you? I can't believe you. You are a traitor, Andrew..
Andrew: *with that she ran away Bonnie let go of me and said*
Bonnie: go after her, she is the love of your life.
* I got up and ran outside. Ben was so shocked*
Ben: Bonnie, what happened? Why aren't you going after Lexi and tackling her down?
Bonnie: and why will I do that? They are in love with each other
Ben: what?! But she destroyed your life!
Bonnie: what do you mean by that? No she didn't
Ben: but she convinced you to be ho*king up with people to get money
Bonnie: what? No no no, not this Lexi, my ex bsf Lexi
Ben: huh? Hold on, so I've been doing all that to her for nothing. Oh my God, what have I done?
Bonnie: Ben, what did you do? Tell me!!* told her everything * Ben, you are a demon. Worse than Lexi, I fucking hate you. I don't ever want to see you and you're a monster. How could you ruin someone's life like that? Do you know how that's gonna affect her mental health?! No, you don't. I know you care about me and do anything for me but I can't forgive you. Good bye Ben and thanks for everything. Have a good life  I can't bear the fact that you are a r*pist

So yeah...another chapter...I know I know, I'm a horrible person. I'm even shocked I haven't finished writing this story. It's all school's fault... phones and electronic devices are prohibited and I can't afford to be expelled from the school. So I gotta abide by their rules. This is will be the end of this chapter.
        Love you all❤❤❤
        Peace out ✌

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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