CHAPTER 1: This is actually a clover?!

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"Xiao Ting, are you going to deliver food to Xiao Yi again?"

"Xiao Yi is also pitiful. Just a few years ago, his parents died in a car accident, and now, not long after, he himself was diagnosed with malignant tumors. This heaven, it seems, is intentionally opposing their family!"

"That's to say, Xiao Yi is such a good child, with a decent appearance, and honest and modest personality. Two years ago, I even thought about introducing my niece to her, but now... sigh..."

"I wonder how much longer he can hold on. Last time I saw him, he was as skinny as a bamboo pole."

"Xiao Ting, do we have enough food at home? We bought an extra black chicken this morning. I'll bring it to you later so your mom can make chicken soup for Xiao Yi."

"Now that you mention it, we have an extra half a pound of pork at home. I'll bring it to Xiao Ting's house later."

"My family also has..."

Carrying a sealed food container, Zhao Wanting passed by the village entrance and overheard the elderly folks basking in the sun. She quickly shook her adorable head and said in a tender voice, "No need, no need. Brother Xiao Yi has already given us plenty of money for provisions. We have enough for shopping."

Speaking of which, it seems like she remembered something, her tone becoming downcast: "Mom's cooking is very nutritious, but Brother Xiao Yi can't eat too much by himself, that's why he has become so thin."

"Thank you, all grandpas and grandmas, for your concern."

With that, she quickened her pace and headed towards the mountain path.

"Sigh..." Many elderly people sighed silently in their hearts, not saying much, watching the young girl slowly disappear on the mountain road.

Jiangcheng Province belongs to a plain area, with no high and steep mountains, only continuous small hills. Qifeng Mountain is one of the slightly higher hills among the group of hills.

Over a decade ago, Qifeng Mountain was covered with various types of fruit trees on all sides. During the harvest season, the mountain was adorned with red, yellow, green, and various other colors of fruits, making it incredibly beautiful.

Not only were these fruit trees beautiful, but the fruits they bore were also quite delicious, earning them a certain reputation in the local area.

However, this flourishing scene came to an end a few years ago with the passing of a couple, losing the meticulous care of humans, and allowing nature to exert its powerful force.

In a short period of time, Qifeng Mountain became overgrown with trees and covered in weeds. It wasn't until half a year ago that the arrival of a man wearing a canvas hat and walking with a light step began to slowly change the situation.

"Brother Xiao Yi! Brother Xiao Yi! I've brought you food! Where are you?"

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