✨ Prizes ✨

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The ProsePioneer Contest 2024 offers an exciting prize package to reward the exceptional talent and creativity of our participants.

First Place Certificate: The first-place winner will receive a beautifully designed certificate to commemorate their outstanding achievement in the ProsePioneer Contest 2024.

Shoutout on Discussion Board: The first-place winner will be featured in a special shoutout post on the contest's discussion board, celebrating their winning entry and congratulating them on their success.

Permanent Spotlight in the Book: The first-place winner will be permanently spotlighted in the contest book, showcasing their winning entry for all readers to admire.

Permanent follows from your judge and me. You will also receive votes on your entry from both me and your judge at the end of the contest.

Certificates for all winners, including 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, will be emailed to recipients following the conclusion of the contest.

We can't wait to recognize and celebrate the incredible achievements of our participants. Best of luck to all contestants!

Prose Pioneer Contest 2024 (OPEN)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن