Chapter One Harper

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My foster mom, Sarah, shakes her head with a sigh escaping her throat. “I wish you would stay here and let us pay for your tuition fees.” She sighs again as she sits on my bed and continues to rant in displeasure at me going so far away on the road alone. 

There are no funds available for my foster parents to cover my tuition fees. They would go into debt to aid me. I could not allow that to happen. I’m an adult now, and need to devise a plan to attend college and cover the cost on my own.

“Explore the option of getting an apartment nearby. Should something occur, we can be near you.”

Tears slipped from her eyes as she watched me pack up the last of my belongings. Sarah is the only mother-figure I have ever known. Because my birth mother died during childbirth. Father raised me alone until a fatal hunting accident occurred. He survived the initial attack from being mauled by a bear, but died a few days after. I will always remember the last moments with him before he passed away, as if it were yesterday.

He had urged me to remain resilient and independent. Cautioned me to steer clear of men who would take control of my independence.

‘Take the money I have for you and allocate it carefully,’ he had said. ‘Have a future where you answer to nobody by assailing and attending college. Strive for greatness, Harper. When you feel you are all alone in this life. My spirit will always be with you. You’re like a bird, never wanting to stay in one place. You are perpetually on the move, so choose your profession wisely. Journey and explore the globe.’

I recorded our conversations on my cell phone. Sarah and Juan uploaded each one onto thumb drives. I had taken those and written them verbatim into diaries. Which I reflect on often, and they bring me peace.

I was so lucky to have spent only four days in a home for orphaned children before Sarah and Juan rescued me. I hated leaving them now after the three years of love, comfort, and stability they have given me. The time has arrived for me to leave and go out on my own into the world, though. Where was I heading? I do not know. Had the entire summer after turning eighteen to figure that out. I received acceptance letters to multiple colleges throughout the United States. I hope to travel this summer and inspect them all before deciding where to set up roots. My foster parents urged tagging along with me. They wanted one last family outing before I left for college. After multiple debates about the topic. I persuaded them it was something I needed and wanted to do alone.

I glanced over at Sarah while packing toiletries into my overnight bag. Bit back the tears that burned behind my eyes as they forced their way through. I shuttered my eyes, hoping they would disappear. When I opened them, tears streamed down my cheeks to my chin.

“Take a seat, dear, and let’s chat for a moment,” Sarah said, shoving the suitcase I was packing aside. She gestures for me to join her and I comply, plopping down next to her with a huff.

“This is your home, sweetheart. It has to be said, we could never have children of our own. You may not be our blood, but you are our daughter. That remains the same now that you are eighteen and going off on your own. I want daily calls from you to confirm you are alright. Some post cards and snapshots of your travels would be nice as well. When you find a place to call home, let us help you get settled,” Sarah said, wiping away my tears.

“Let’s go fix your makeup,” she suggested while standing, and held her hand out to me.


“Please remember to…”

“Carry my pepper spray. Don’t worry, mom, I’ll be alright.”

“What do you do if you are getting manhandled?” Juan asked, while inspecting my vehicle.

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