Chapter 2. Ghost warships

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Author's note:

i had to work with this one first as i need to think of scenario ideas for my previous work.


i forgot to mention about the advance ship stabilizer system. the system involves around solid state magnetic thrusters at the stern and the bow that activates in conjunction with retractable turret mounted fusion thrusters to counteract the effects of immense recoil of the gun, when needed this system can also be used to increase a ship's maneuverability during combat.


The ship that had caused severe damage to the second assault fleet of the sirens was on standby within his spatial displacement bubble after he had compiled the battle data it had acquired, right now he is under the thick glacier of the antarctica in a location that's nearly impossible to enter.

he is inside the recently created habitation module that looks like obsidian pyramid and on one of it's chamber without his armor and just wearing his robe, the interior was quite spacious, as big as a usual house, alien in design and it has some few equipments mostly fabrication equipment and a super advance quantum computer with appearance that looks like a strange looking table, there's also a single pod that hangs from above the circular platform nearby and inside it is his armor.

he is inside the recently created habitation module that looks like obsidian pyramid and on one of it's chamber without his armor and just wearing his robe, the interior was quite spacious, as big as a usual house, alien in design and it has some ...

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the interior is looking like this.

he is sifting through the mission details and status of the ship on the said quantum computer via it's 3d display projection, satisfied with the performance of the modifications he added to the ship as it didn't suffer any minute malfunction or damages after firing it's guns at 50% power while also performing quite well, after he's done with reviewing, he switched the computer on self calculation to do more calculations based on the data that the lone battleship acquired and goes outside.

the freezing temperature didn't faze him as the coldness aren't as cold as that one particular planet who's temperature would freeze any living being instantly within seconds of exposure, but to him it didn't affect his mission on such planet even without his armor.

?????: (I'll be needing to modify this place to serve as temporary base.)

the place he was standing on was a wide cavern that had formed in between the actual ground and the bottom of a large glacier, the cavern stretched from where he's standing down to the frozen lagoon which is as large as the one found in hawaii and that is also the location of azur lane base, the place was quite dark but it didn't bother him.

*northern hemisphere rogue siren base*

after dreamweaver had returned she directly went to the meeting chamber where zero and three others are waiting.

she entered the chamber and saw three new arrivals.

Enterprise alter
Arbiter: temperance XIV
Arbiter: the hermit IX

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