Chapter. 1 The arrival

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Author's notice:

hiding might be cowardly but it was considered a strategy, and also the plot wont follow the anime version of AL but some of the elements will.


The scene that played had large explosions everywhere and countless streams of energy shots from both sides, and above had alot of strange aircrafts duking it out with dogfights, he has already breached the first defense perimeter of the enemy forces along with his three comrades.

the enemy they are fighting against was a power hungry civilization who is currently in the process of their invasion through warp tunnel technology and if not for his civilization's quick intervention the initial invasion would be catastrophic for the defenders, currently he is deployed to a planet of much importance along with his team of four to take out the central command directly.

the whole battle didn't last long as the enemy forces surrendered along with the fallen enemy command after his team apprehended them and their homeworld was surrounded by multiple fleet of ships from the defender's side with few of his civilization's ships attached, the end of war is the last memory he remembers before he suddenly got whisked away from his universe, he regains his consciousness a moments later and noticed something so distant yet so familiar.

?????: (this is earth but, eons ago....)

he stand up and stored his weapon to his pocket dimension, then before he opened the holo display of his planetary scanner, his senses flared up.

?????: (ancestors and... invaders, no. not exactly invaders but something else.)

he proceeds to open the master holo display panel and initiate a planet scan, it shows that the earth's civilization is below type zero and along with low numbers of human population, there's also a conglomerated signatures in the pacific ocean near pearl harbor, but something's off.

?????: (machines... mostly seaborne ships and too advanced for such era to have. the defenders are much lower in terms of technology.)

a distress call message got caught by his transmission.

*radio comm*

Pow: "this is prince of wales of azurlane alliance we are in dire situation and in need of reenforcement the coordinates is xxxx. xxxx, i repeat..!"

*radio comm ends*

both his planetary scan data and his sensory perception pointed out that the defenders are being cornered, even if he wasn't at the warzone, he can still tell that their enemy is a warmonger type and won't take mercy as an excuse so he phased out from his current location towards the battle.

meanwhile, near the entrance of the main alliance base the ship girls are holding their line as huge armada of siren mass produced ships are coming in with their morale slowly getting chipped away.

Nagato: "never falter everyone! as our downfall means humanity's fall, keep fighting!"

hearing her words made the girls pushed towards their limit.

while enterprise and her sister are destroying ships after ships, but the lone high ranking siren behind the armada just opened another portals.

Observer alpha: "this is the end azurlane!"

Bismarck: "never!"

She weaved around the salvo of shots from the enemy and returned fire with deadly accuracy, destroying multiple siren mass produced ships, but she never anticipated a torpedo coming towards her.

Enterprise: "bismarck!! evade!!"

and before the torpedo hit a few meters mark, a single streak of light destroyed the torpedo, detonating it before it could hit bismarck and followed by hundreds of those streaks of lights punching holes at the mass produced ship's critical areas destroying alot of them at once even siren jets weren't spared.

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