two | concert

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      I placed my tray on the table, listening in to the conversation of my blockmates. I slid down next to Maze and the Aussie made a space just for me to get comfortable in. They were talking about going to a concert and I thought to myself: Why are they talking about concerts when we have our finals this Monday?

"Oh, gosh. It's going to be so much fun!" Annika exclaimed. Some students who occupied the nearby table looked at her, visibly annoyed. We are the library cafe for goodness sake. "Theodore said he's going to bring some of his guy friends, too. Maybe you guys could find someone interesting in his group. He said they're all in med school, just like your types" she says dreamily.

"But what about Noah? You told me you only got four tickets, and you're giving the last one to Theodore." Tatum said as she turned to me.

Annika stopped from daydreaming and finally noticed me. Her mouth fell wide open in shock. She quickly covered it with her palm. "Oh, God! I totally forgot!"

"Girl, how could you?!" Maze snickered. "She's literally the easiest one to remember."

"Bec- she doesn't even listen to music!" she defended that made me chuckle as well. "You don't listen to Taylor Swift, do you?"

"Familiar name, but no. You guys know I don't even listen to Rihanna or Beyonce." I chuckled. I picked up the lemonade from the tray and sipped on it. "It's okay, it's an honest mistake. Besides, I'm studying for the exam on Monday."

"Oh, don't validate her. She's just a bad friend." Tatum sassily said, rolling her eyes at Annika.

"I just forgot!"

"That I'm glad you did. I can't afford to fail in this last exam," I sighed.

Annika sighed. "Still. I'm sorry. I could've asked you if you wanted to tag along,"

I didn't look deep into it. What I said was true; I could never afford to fail this last test, especially since I had my parents expecting that I would graduate with flying colors. The last thing I need is any other things that could distract me. And a concert is one of those things. Besides, like Annika said, I don't even listen to music. I would let it play on the radio or their speakers when they came over but I really wouldn't find myself jamming into it alone.

After we (or just me and Maze) reviewed for a short period of time at the university's library cafe, we went in different directions. Maze was dragged by Annika to meet her boyfriend who is studying at a different university while Tatum decided to talk to our professor regarding to the project that she missed. I, on the other hand, went straight back to my apartment.

My apartment is only six minutes away from the university, so I walked my way there. I stopped at the restaurant along the complex and waited for nearly fifteen minutes for my fish and chips. I am too lazy to cook so I might just grab the chance to devour the dish I had been craving the most for the last few days.

When I arrived at my apartment - or penthouse, really - I immediately journeyed my way to the kitchen to grab some plate. I live alone so there is no noise coming from inside the house. The noise that I can actually hear comes from the people (mostly students) chatting along the sidewalk and the reeving of the car engines that were passing by. I wanted to adopt a cat when I first moved in here so that the place could have a little more life but my father disagreed. I am allergic to cats. Plus I am very asthmatic.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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