one | party time

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note: this chapter is intentionally short.

"I love your outfit. Who is it?" one of the interviewers asked as soon as I finished walking down the red carpet to get my pictures taken for the whole world to see.

I glanced back at my publicist, silently and telepathically asking her a question if I should entertain this one. There's been a bunch of interviewers that we skipped on the way here and I'm pretty sure she's looking out for the right one - the one that would bomb with tons of bullshit questions. So, when she nodded at me, that was my cue to go forward, greeting the interviewer with a smile.

"Thank you. Uhm.. it's Yves Saint Laurent, I think." I chuckled, running my hand to my dress. It was a black silky dress with a long slit on my right leg. Nearly all of my chest is exposed too, seeing that it has a plunging neckline. "This is a customized dress for my size."

"Well, they did a great job on that one 'cause you look really dashing in that dress," she said, staring at me up and down with wide eyes. "This is your first proper appearance after your mother's election. How are you feeling?"

I chuckled, again. "Sort of nervous, I guess. There are tons of criticizing eyes following me, even more than when she was just a governor. But I also feel the adrenaline that all people experience before the start of a party, you know what I'm sayin'?" She immediately agreed with what I said. "And at the same time, I feel pressured. There are a lot of big deal people in this event and I'm not really confident in myself sometimes. What if I mess this up?"

"I don't think it matters to them. All the media has seen were all of you being iconic and laidback on things similar to these ever since your mother ran for Politics. I don't think you'd mess up. Not that I'm dictating this to you, but it's pretty much been your whole life, right?" she said, nervously laughing as she defended herself.

"Yeah. Of course!" I cleared out and she silently thanked me with her eyes. "But you know, I've grown up for the last couple of years and I've been pretty much away from these kinds of settings when I thought I had moved to England permanently."

"Yeah! Speaking of England, how was your life there?"

"It is perfect, actually. I moved there because I wanted to experience life outside the politics and the public. I mean, I had been living there every now and then when I was young but it was only until the 2000s when I forced my parents that I should move there with my Dad permanently." I explained, remembering the times I badly wanted to get away from America. "But it's not as permanent at all seeing that my mother needs her support here, and we are trying to give her that as much as we can."

The interviewer asked a few more questions about me before I was ushered to go. I politely cut the interview short and followed my bodyguards inside the White House, where my mother decided to throw her first official welcoming party as the President of the United States. Just like what she used to tell me when I was young.

My mother is Victoria Sinclair, the woman who won the 45th United States election. She worked hard for that and we supported her all the way through. She never stopped being my mother - not once. Even before I was conceived, she had been indulged in politics. Her family is full of lawyers and such, so, it kind of runs in her blood.

My father, Adam Stewart, however, is just a simple farmman living in Hertfordshire - a border in London. He is quite rich, too, seeing as he owns his own company. He just doesn't really focus on it because his family has been naturally wealthy ever since, having their assets passed down from one generation to another. They are a pretty big deal in London since they are a descent of an Earl.

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