Chapter 2

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     Slow down... slow down.. "what the fuck" i mutter out loud as my eyes adjust to the light. I start to look around for where the sound is coming from. I look to the night stand and see my alarm going off.

     "Oh... My alarm." I mutter taking a deep breath. I reach over and turn it off. It was playing Slow Down by Chase Atlantic. "Well that for sure worked. I'm wide awake now." I say as I get up to start getting ready for school.

     "Scared the shit out of me that's for sure." I mutter at I pull my sweatshirt over my head. I walk over to Chester drawers and grab a pair of jeans and put them on.

     I walk to the bathroom and wash my face. I walk out and head to the kitchen and put some food in Dean and Dominic's food bowls. I get a blueberry Red Bull out the fridge and start to drink it as I head back to my room.

     By the time I get to my room and brush my hair I already finished it so I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I go back to my room grab my earbuds and phone and head back downstairs.

     I go to the door and put my teneshoes on. I go into the kitchen and grab my bag for work then I grab my keys and lock the doors then head to the garage.

     The lights automatically turn on as I walk in. I grab my helmet and gloves then I put my bags on. I put my gloves and helmet on as I get on my motorcycle and back out of the garage.

     When I get out I crank it up and look behind me and make sure the lights turned off then I put some music on to play on the way to school and turn it all the way up so its loud enough in my helmet till I can't hear anything else.

     I stop by a gas station on the way and get gas. "$30 damn I'll have to pick up more shifts even with the 50 grand I'll get today for Monica's medical bills. I'll leave from school early to visit her before I go to work." I mumble to myself quietly.

     I get to school on time and head to the lookers. I open my locker and put my stuff in and as I go to shut it, it slams shut almost shutting my hands in it. I snap my head to the right and see Mike the popular boy.

     "You almost crushed my fucking hands!" I yell at him. "Oops" he says in a laugh. I shove him and he stumbles backwards in surprise. "I'm done with your shit Mike do it again I dare you." I say in a daring tone.

     "Or what you'll tell your parents oh wait you can't cuz there dead" He laughs. People start to gather around us. I walk towards him holding back tears. I stand in front of him and look him dead in the eyes then I knew him in the balls.

     He tumbles over holding his balls I grab his head and knee him in the nose. He falls backwards on his back I knee down tears starting to fall and grab a fist full of his hair blood coming out his nose.

     "You went to fucking far Mike... Don't ever say anything about my parents again unless you want a bloody nose again." I say as I stand up and walk to class wiping my eyes. Memories of my dad being drunk and yelling at my mom flash though my head.

     I sit by Emma and keep my head down.
"Girl are you okay I heard what-" I cut her off, "Drop it." I say in a stern voice trying to keep the tears back as more memories of my dad being drunk flash though my head.

     Class ends and second and third period go by quickly. Fourth period ends and we have brake. I go to the vending machine and get a water.

     I reach for it and my arm sleeve slides up and see the scare I got when my dad was drunk and threw a bottle at me and I raised my arm to protect my eyes and it cut my arm.

     I pull it back down and walk to fifth period drinking my water. Fifth ends and I go to sixth I walk in and sit in the back corner. A few minutes later Mike walks in and has two black eyes and a broken nose. He sees me and stares at me with anger in his eyes.

     I do a quick smile at him and see him look like he's going to explode with anger. I grab  my phone and put my earbuds in and just watch tiktok the whole period. Nobody pays attention in social studies anyways.

     Class ends and it's time for lunch. I sit with Emma and Alyssa and we talk about how Alyssa and Palace would make a good couple. Then me and Alyssa start shipping Emma with people for fun.

     Lunch ends and we walk together to seventh period together since we all have the same class we walk in and sit together in the back corner of the classroom.

     We ignore the teacher and do our own things, "Soooo I heard that you beat up Mike" Alyssa whispers. "Yeah he went to far today." I whisper back. "What did he do?" Emma whispers.

     "He talked about my parents." I say drily "That's to far." Alyssa whispers, "Yeah." Emma agrees. "It's fine I took care of it."I whisper.  "You know we're here if you want to talk about it." Alyssa says, "Yeah." Emma agrees.

     "I know it's fine. I'm fine." I say calmly. They look at each other then mutter an okay and we all get on our phones.

     Class ends and I go to my locker and put my school stuff in there and take my work bag out and make my way to the office to sign out early.

     I walk in and sign out and tell them I'll be back tomorrow and walk out. I get to the parking lot and see a piece of paper taped to my motorcycle. I grab it and read it.
     "Just because you broke my nose doesn't mean you won." - Mike
    "I think it does but whatever" I mumble and crumble it up and throw it on the ground. I put my helmet and gloves on and head to the hospital to see Monica.

     I pull up to the hospital and park my motorcycle. I turn it off and take the keys and put them in my pocket. I take a deep breath and head inside.

     I walk to the front desk, "I'm here to see Monica." I say calmly. "Relation?" She asked in an annoyed tone. "I'm her sister." I say with a little bit of attitude. She scuffs, " go right ahead." She says in a now bitchy tone.

     She mashed the button and the door opens I began walking to her room. "If she doesn't like her job she should find a new one." I schuff as I get in the elevator and go to the fifth floor.

     I get out of the elevator and begin walking to her room. I get to her door and take a deep breath putting on a smile. I walk in and she looks at me and smiles.

     I walk to her bed and set my bag on the floor and my helmet and gloves on the table beside her bed. I look at her, it pains me seeing her with all the IVs in her but I keep a smile on my face.

     "Hey Sissy how are you feeling?" I ask leaning over to give her a hug. "I'm doing okay." She says in a tried tone. "Well don't worry I'm coming into some money soon and Ill be able to get you on the transplant list for a new heart."

     "How are u going to get the money?"she asks with concern in her voice. "Don't worry about it i got it okay." I say in a comforting voice. "Well I'm your big sister you shouldn't even have to worry about me." She says sorrowfully.

     "Well I do so don't say that. I love you okay." I say with a stern voice. I check my phone and realized it was already 3:30 and I had to be at work at 4:00. "I have to go so I won't be late for work okay. I love you." I say as I get up and hug her goodbye.

     "I love you too." She says tiredly. I grab my bag and put it on. Then Grab my helmet and gloves and walk out of the room. As soon as the door shuts I run towards the elevator.

     There was a guy in the elevator when it started to close he saw me running and put his hand on the door to stop them from closing. I get on and thank him and hit the lobby button.

     We get to the lobby and the doors open I run out and towards the parking lot. I get to my motorcycle and put my helmet and gloves on. I get on and Crank it up and speed off towards work.

The fire and The gasoline जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें