The Beginning

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     I blink a few times againsting to the light. It's daylight out... Oh shit!!! I'm late for school. I throw on some sweatpants and a T-shirt with some Crocs and run downstairs Grab my keys and hop on my motorcycle and speed off to school.
     I walk into 2nd period and sit down beside Emma " Girl where were you 1st period" I look down when she said that cuz I know she's going to laugh when I tell her the reason. "I slept through my alarms again." I say with a annoyed tone. She burst into a laugh. She quieted down though when Mr. Bitch told her to shh.

     He's always in a pissy mood and yells at us for no reason and it's mostly me and Emma maybe because we always are laughing at his reseding hairline. "How the hell did you sleep though your 30 alarms?" I sigh and draw out a simple,"I don't know." As I giggle along with her and then take notes as the teacher speeds though the slides shows expecting us to write all the notes down like we're fucking lighting McQueen.

     At lunch we sat at the back corner of the lunch room we're nun of the teachers can see. We sit and take out our phones. As I look at my work schedule I grone, "what?" Emma asks. "I have work as soon as schools over", "oh that sucks" I nod agreeing with her. I look around making sure no-one is looking and hit my vape. Thank God it's Friday.

     I put my school stuff in my locker and grab the bag with my lingerie for work in it. As I'm heading for the parking lot the principal stops me right before I get on my motorcycle.

     "Elana you need to stop revving your motorcycle when you go to leave." "Why" I already know why, because it gets on her nerves but I want to see what she says.
     "I've been getting complaints from the students" I know she hasn't because most of them ask me too before I leave I say,"Most of the students ask me to so who is it really complaining?" and then I get on and crank it up as I smile at her before I rev it up and speed off just to piss her off.
     I pull into work and park in the back. I put my keys in my bag and head inside to my
Dressing room. I change and head out to talk to Cass, me and her talk till one of us has to go on. The song ends and we decided that I would go on first.

     I walk to the end of the stage towards the pole and notice a group of men that all look to be in there 20s all sitting in a circle with a seat in the middle empty.

     I grab the pole and sling my body around going in a circle. I slide back down and bend down grab my ankles and shake my ass bills fly everywhere.

     The song ends and I walk around and collect the money as I'm walking back to the back of the stage I notice the group of men go into the main office.

      As I get backstage Cass comes up to me, "Girl that was so hot!", "I know I got alot of cash for it too." I say with a wink. She smiles "I'll see you tomorrow." I say okay as I walk towards the changing rooms dieing to get out of these high heels. If I have to sit in these for one more minute I might actually die.

     I change into my regular clothes and start to walk to the exit when my boss stops me, "Hey Elana", "Yes?", "Tomorrow you have someone that ordered a private dance", "I don't do private dance's you know this."

     I start to walk towards the door when he says something that stops me dead in my tracks. "There paying 50 grand" that's a lot of money that would really help with Monica's medical bill.

     I hesitate before I answer, "Fine I'll do it." I say as I walk out the door. I sit on my motorcycle and take a deep breath before I put my helmet on. "It's for Monica." I whisper to myself before speeding off.

     I get home and open the door and see dean *my black doberman* and Dominic *my black cat* eating from there bowls in the kitchen.  Dominic is so adorable with the little white diamond shaped spot on his chest.I sit my keys down and lock the door.

     I go into the kitchen and sit my stuff down on the counter and head to the fridge. I look in the fridge and realized that I don't have anything in there but drinks and ketchup. So I just get some instant noodles and cook them instead.

     I grab them and head into the living room and sit on the couch to watch Netflix. I put the movie teriffier on and eat my noodles. I finish and put my dishes in the sink and go upstairs to take a shower.

     I get in the shower and bathe then shave everywhere and get out. I walk into my bedroom and go to my dresser and get out a black thong and a silky pair of shorts and crop top. I get dressed then let Dominic and dean in my room.

     Dean lays at the foot of my bed and Dominic lays on the right side of the bed while I lay on the left.

    I grab my phone off the nightstand and go to my alarm settings and change my alarm sound to Spotify so the sound is always different and I never know what it will sound like.

     I plug my phone up and go to the app to change my led lights and turn it on red and turn the brightness all the way down. I put my phone back on the nightstand and lay back down and slowly drift off to sleep.


     Author's Note

his is a short chapter I know I hate them too but I want to see if anyone will read it first but I will continue to write the next chapter.

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