oh enzo.

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Hermione, Ron, and I were running through the halls of Hogwarts, our wands at the ready as we fought against the Death Eaters who were attacking the castle. The air was thick with spells and curses, and the sound of explosions echoed off the stone walls.

As we rounded a corner, we saw a group of Death Eaters gathered in the courtyard, their wands pointed towards the sky. We knew something was happening, something big. Without hesitation, we ran towards them.

But as we got closer, we saw what had drawn their attention. Lying in hagrids arms, was Harry.

My best friend Harry Potter, dead, laying before us.

My heart dropped to my stomach as I realized what had happened. Tears filled my eyes as I tried ran towards his body, but was stopped by hermione. My mind unable to process what I was seeing.

Hermione and Ron were right beside me, shock and grief etched on their faces as well.

It was too late. Harry was gone, his eyes closed peacefully as if he was just sleeping. I couldn't believe it. We had fought so hard, sacrificed so much, and now he was gone.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I didn't have to turn to know it was Enzo.

"It's harry isn't it?" he asked softly.

"yes." My voice etched, tears flowing down my cheeks silently.

"oh estelle." he kissed the top of my head. "I love you so much. It's okay." he spoke just as I began to cry.

Lord Voldemort, cackled with glee. I wanted to hex him into oblivion, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. My heart was too heavy with grief.

"Harry Potter, is dead!" His screech erupted cheers from the death eaters.

I looked across the courtyard and saw draco, standing there. Sorrow etched across his face. Almost tears rolling down his face. He cared so much. I knew he did.

Next to him was Mattheo, he was looking at me when I saw him. Cuts and scrapes across his pretty face. His hair messy and oily. More scars across his arms with his sleeves rolled up.

He looked guilty. Really guilty. He looked at me, face full of emotion and blood. His expression unreadable.

I gazed back, an identical expression on my face. With my own cuts and scrapes.

"and listen, after all this shit. you and I.....we're gonna go somewhere where no one can find us. so it can just be us for a little while ok? we don't have to worry about your family or mine. just ourselves." he nodded at me. his eyes glistening what tears

I did the same. "deal." I sad-smiled.

I wondered if that would ever happen anymore.

"estelle? how would you feel about marrying me?"

A lump formed in my throat. I remembered that question all too well.

Just as voldemort was speaking again, I heard a loud thud, a couple gasps and a scream.

My head whipped around. Harry was up, feet planted on the ground with his wand up and at the ready.

He's alive!!

A smile formed on my lips as I watched him.

Chaos broke through as voldemort blasted him with some fire spell. Everyone fled quickly, scattering around as everyone began to fight again.

I grabbed Enzo's arm and ran the opposite direction, trying to get to where harry was running.

He sent me to a different place with some other students from Hufflepuff. They were all pointing their wands at the door of the small building we were in.

"Leave him alone. He needs to finish him off himself." He said.

"But I-Okay, okay." I took a deep breath and tried to look around.

We quickly ran to the back of the courtyard where there were a lot of people.

Death eaters were on our back, chasing us down.

"Run!" I screamed, pushing my brother in front of me. We ran in the opposite direction, but it wasn't long before the Death Eaters caught up to us. Spells were flying all around them, narrowly missing them as they ducked and weaved through the chaos.

It wasn't long before I fell behind, my breath leaving my lungs.

Suddenly, a wolf looking like death eater met Enzo in front of me. My body froze as I saw the green curse leave his wand. Shooting towards my brother faster than the speed of light. I heard his last breath, leave his body. Before a giant thud was heard throughout all of England.

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