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(Mae Belle Evangeline -Jimmy Cummings and Terence Blanchard 💋)

Feeling queasy and unsteady, my brothers arm wrapped around my back, leading me through the train.

The guilt consumed my body more than I thought. I wondered constantly if my family was ok, where they were and if I was ever going to see them again.

My mind also raced at the thought that our house was gone.


What were we going to do? Would they seperate us? Me and Enzo from my father?

I held back the peuk in my mouth. My head was still spinning, and my vision almost went blurry.

He stopped at one of the compartments towards the end.

"Don't overthink it, I know you are." He held the
back of my head and kissed my forehead. I looked up at his warm smile. And watched him walk off. I stood still for a few moments. watching then magnetic sound of his feet hitting the floor, one after the other.






ri- "Elle?" The sound of Harry's voice made me whip my head around. The images of my friends started to focus itself. In order for her to see their worried faces.

"hey." I managed to mumble before walking into the compartment and taking a seat next to Hermione. Sinking into her shoulder.

"How was break?" Ron asked. I stared at the floor for a few seconds before coming to an answer.


"Elle. What's wrong.." Harry asked plainly.

"I- um." I took a long inhale.

"You can tell us. Let's be honest we've probably gone through worse." Harry said jokingly.

"Death eaters burnt down my house." I stuttered on a few words but that was as simple as I could put it.

"Oh my... are you ok? What happened to your dad? Why were they there? Wh-"

"Ron for goodness sake!" Hermione cried. "We don't have to talk about it." She turned to me.

"I'm fine, it was pretty unexpected but..."

"but what?" Ron egged on. I swallowed my spit loudly.

"Mattheos back." I uttered.


"And You-Know-Who-" Hermione questioned.

"Tortured me. Yeah."

"You have to tell Dumbledore!"

"What's he going to say? 'I'm so sorry Elle!'" I said mockingly. "I've already heard that enough. Plus whats he going to do about something that didn't happen on school grounds."

"Well there must be something we can do."

"No we can't. Admit it Hermione. We can't do anything about it. I just have to get over it."

"This is not something you can just get over Elle." Ron said, entering our conversation.

"You know can we just stop talking about it? It's giving me a stomach ache." I practically yelled.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to be like that."

"I know. I'm sorry too, I should've raised my voice." I ,overwhelmed with frustration, stabbed my eggs with a fork. Almost enough for my plate to shatter.

"Everything was fine before you started hanging out with those slytherins." Hermione mumbled under her breath.

"What'd you say?" I looked up almost immediately furrowing my eyebrows.

"You know what I mean, you've changed since meeting them, they do have a pretty bad reputation Estelle."

"So, just because Voldemort was in their house makes them evil." I looked at her with anger and confusion.

"Don't say his name! And yes, I mean he's you-know-who's kid for crying out loud. I wouldn't be surprised if he was using you in the first place." My heart shattered.

"You have no right to say that, youve barely met him."

"You're right I haven't, how am I supposed to just trust him! I'm worried for you." She places her hand on top of mine.

"You shouldn't be! I'm fine on my own." I yanked my hand from underneath.

"I don't know him well. But I know him well enough to know he's a snake." Hermione gave me a glare.

Just then a little curly headed girl scooted next to Ron.

"Won-Won! How I've missed you!" Lavender pampered his freckles face with kisses. Ron looking disgusted. "Whats got your knickers in a twist?" She furrowed her brows at me and held Ron's arm like she was his property.

I slammed my fork into the table on her sleeve.

I got up. "Maybe I loved that evil snake Hermione." I whispered for just them to hear. I walked off before she could respond. Walking up to the slytherin table.

"Hey E."

"Hi Enz." I sat down next to him and Pansy.

"How you doing hon? I heard about everything. I'm so sorry." She held my arm.

"It's alright, I'm fine. Really. Just a little stunned I guess." I smiled slightly. Enzo slid his arm around my side and squeezed tight. Every special moment I had with him brought back memories from our childhood.

"wait! it's missing one thing!" I ran over to the side of our cottage. reaching high and plucking a few spikes of ice off the gutter. I ran back to enzo next to our little pile of snow. I stuck 3 different sizes of ice into the top of its head. "now it's a queen!" I giggled. "what's her name?" I raised my arms as high as my puffy coat would allow me too."elsa!" enzo turned his head to mine. "elsa's already a queen, pick again." I narrowed my eyebrows in frustration. "ooh! how bout evangeline!" "where'd you get that name from?" "princess and the frog." I frowned a little that he didn't know immediately. "fine, queen evangeline." He snuck a smile as I jumped up and down in excitement. He rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around my back.

Our second year christmas break, Queen Evangeline melted, but of course me and Enzo still keep her icicles in the freezer for memory purposes.

I smiled slightly. "what are you smiling bout over there?" draco asked. I turned to enzo. "remember our snowman-"

"Queen Evangeline!" He smiled brightly. "yes of course."

"Evangeline?" Draco asked yet again.

"We named our snowman after her from princess and the frog." Draco still looked confused.

"The star that ray sings about." He still stared me down like I was crazy. "Nevermind." I lifting the corners of my mouth.

Delicate - Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now