All Night Long Birthday Boy

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"Happy Birthday bitch!" Tyler screams in my ear. I shove him away giving him the finger. Ben barks out a laugh nudging me into Tyler. "I fucking hate you guys" I mutter crossing my arms over my chest. I look away from the stripper currently dancing one a pole in front of us. I can't believe they brought me to a strip club. They only did it to mess with me because they're assholes.

"Come one dude, you know it's turning you on" Tyler murmurs rather close. His fingers skim over my thigh making my breath hitch. That's not what will turn me on... Shaking away the thought I shove the blonde away again. He only shrugs and offers the stripper more cash which she happily takes.

Ben sets his arm on the back of my seat having his fingers brushing the nape of my neck. Goosebumps spread over my body making me shiver. "Can we please go somewhere else?" I beg looking over at Ben. With a chuckle Ben nods and I jump out of my seat. "Let's go you horny dog" I grumble grabbing Tyler's arm. He tosses the rest of the cash at the girl before walking with us.

Once outside I breathe a sigh of relief. "Let's grab dinner before heading to the hotel" Ben says while typing on his phone. I nod in agreement since I haven't eaten all day. Tyler pulls out a cigarette lighting it as we walk. Ben leads us to a nice looking restaurant, he heads inside to get us a table. I stay out with Tyler so he can finish his smoke.

Tyler blows out some smoke his eyes closed. I admire his features while he's not looking. His good looking, fluffy blonde hair, slim nose that had a little piercing in his right nostril, plump lips and a strong jawline. My gaze went down, Tyler worked hard to get his body where it is now. "Done gawking?" My jolt immediately looking up. Tyler smirks at my flushed face.

"Guys! Let's go" Ben hollers. Thank god for him. I rush inside following after Ben. I can't believe he caught me checking him out. He probably thinks I'm weird. Ben slides into a booth motioning for me to slide in across from him. Tyler joins us deciding to sit next to Ben. Probably because you're a freak Justin...

A young guy walks up smiling brightly. "Evening gentlemen! I'm Chris, what can I get you to drink" I scan the drink column. I don't really drink that much. "Two sweet teas" Tyler says. Chris looks at me, his eyes roam over my face down to my chest before catching himself. "Water" Chris nods then rushes away.

I go back to the menu stuck between getting a burger or some pasta. Both sound amazing right now. Something brushes against my ankle making me jolt. My knee bangs against the table. "You good?" Tyler asked with a confused look. I nod a little embarrassed.

Chris comes back setting drinks down then takes our orders. I decide with having the pasta. I gulp as I feel that thing brush my ankle again but this time it scoots further up. I glare at Tyler but he only gives me a weird look. One of them has to be messing with me.

"At the hotel we can head to the pool. Or go to the bar, birthday boy's choice" Ben says sending me a wink. I rub my eyes, neither of those sound remotely enjoyable. I've always been the type of guy to enjoy staying inside. I am a proud introvert and in all honesty I didn't even want to go out tonight. I would have rather stayed inside with both of them watching shit movies and playing video games. But Ben said he already booked the hotel room and I didn't want to be rude.

"Can't I just read a book in the-"

"No" they say at the same time. Before I can protest Chris walks over with our plates of food. With a smile he sets the plates down before walking away. We dig into our food barely talking. The foot on my leg begins rubbing up and down sensually. My body awakens at the touch making me shift nervously. One of them must be doing this to prank me or something of the sort.

We finish our food and Ben pays even though I offer to do it myself. He gave me some bull crap about how it's my birthday. No matter how much I pushed he still would not allow me to pay.

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