Trapped In A Room

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Standing on stage in the auditorium alone was nothing but calming. The feeling of being center stage, hearing the crowd cheer and clap after a performance. The rush of excitement flowing through the body is exhilarating. Bright lights on you and in that moment you feel like you're on top of the world.

What I would give to feel that again...

A small sigh leave my mouth as I stare out towards the empty seats. Most of the lights are out except for the ones back stage that I have yet to turn off. Every one left thirty minutes ago while I stayed. It's normal by this point. We would finish rehearsal, everyone said goodbye then they all left. As director it was amazing seeing the hard work come to life on stage.

Another day passes and I still feel hopeless at ever being on stage again. I never would've thought something would make me unable to do the one thing I love. favorite things and I can't even read lines correctly without choking up. My last year of high school was going to be my year. The year where I put on the best plays and play a good role. Everything fell apart and I fell from the stage.

Sometimes even standing here makes me want to cry. I never thought losing the one person in the world I was close to would make me unable to do my passion. I don't blame him. I don't know who to blame...myself. Maybe...

More feelings bubble up but before I let them out I spin on my heel heading back stage to lock up. Sure it's great being director and having a say in what goes and doesn't but it's not what I want to do. But I don't think I can act again without him by my side. God, I hate feeling this way. I make it sound like we broke up and he left me in pieces. As if he was even gay to begin with...

I turn off most of the lights ready to turn the last ones off when I hear a voice in the main room. Heading back on stage concerned if someone is still here and I didn't notice. "Shit!" The curse startled me but it came from the rows of seats. "Someone there? Come out please. No one is supposed to be in here" I say loudly. My voice is loud enough to reach all the way on the back so I know whoever is back there heard me.

"Still got the loud strong voice I see" My heart rate quickens as Andrew walks down the aisle of seats. I let out a breath, "Fuck Drew you scared me. What are you doing here?" I ask watching as he walks on stage. "Missy forgot her glasses" He states with a shrug of his shoulders. Of course Missy forgot something. "Probably in the changing rooms" I mutter already moving towards back stage again.

I hear Andrews footsteps follow behind me and I try to ignore the feeling of him being close again. When at the changing rooms I slide open the curtain only nothing is in there. I check the other two but no glasses are there. "Might want to ask her where she had them last" I say turning around to face him. I startle at how close he is.

I watch as his hazel eyes flicker from my mouth back to my eyes. For a moment if feel like he is going to close the distance between us but then he moves back. "Right! They are probably in her bag" He says quickly before turning away. I follow him to the double doors because I have to lock them once he leaves. He grab the handle pulling but it doesn't budge. He tugs on it harder but it only rattles. "The hell?" He mutters continuing to tug.

I reach out to test the other door but it doesn't open either. Andrew slams his fist into the door with another curse. "Chill there is another exit" I whisper. Without another word I leave to go to the other door. This one shouldn't be locked yet and in plus it locks from the inside. I push the door but it doesn't open so I reach in my pocket my keys but they are fine.

Rushing to my bag I frantically search all the pocket but come up empty handed. "You're joking! You have to be kidding me" Andrew says running a hand through his dark brown locks. Someone stole my keys... I always have my keys on me when in rehearsals. Andrew kicks a chair sending it across the room. "You dislike me that much..." I whisper softly falling to my butt in the hardwood floor.

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