My Wife's Brother

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First one! Kinda nervous but hope you like! Maybe...comment? For me??🥺
I stare out the window of the cafe waiting for Katie to return from the bathroom. This was date was to talk about how her brother is moving down here and in need of a place to stay. We have one extra room in our house for him to stay. I was fine with the idea because I would do anything for Katie, she's my wife, the love of my life. She said he was supposed to be here tomorrow so we have to get the room ready.

Katie appears back at the table smoothing down her dress as she sits. Her black hair is curly and she is wearing only a little bit of make up. I watch her with loving eyes as she smiles back interlocking our fingers. "Jace will be here tomorrow at 12 in the afternoon so I will be at work but you will be home since you have the day off. He can be intimidating but that's just the way he is" She shrugs her shoulder grabbing her water glass. I nod in understanding. I've only seen pictures of Jace when he was younger. Katie's parents have a lot of pictures of Katie from when she was a newborn to now but Jace? They only have baby pictures. I ask why and they said he wanted nothing to do with them and that made me even more curious about him.

Katie told me they were close when they were younger and that they still talk a little bit hence why he is moving in with us.

Katie squeezes my hand so I look up at her and she looks at me nervously. "What's wrong hon?" I ask rubbing her knuckles. "I wanted to talk about the next step in our relationship" She said looking into my eyes. I furrow my brows in confusion. The next step? We are already married what's next? "I want to have a family Nick" She said. I choke on my spit coughing until I can breath again. "Katie we talked about this" I say gripping my jeans with my free hand. "I know you want to wait another year but Nick I want a baby to take care of" She mumbles chewing on her lip. I sigh closing my eyes and rubbing my face. "Katie not now, you are close to getting this promotion and I am at work way to much..." I trial off trying to find more reasons but I'm out.

How do you tell your wife you don't want kids? I mean sure it's the dream family my mom and dad want but what about what I want? I don't want kids, I want to spend the rest of my life with the person I love.

"You always make up excuses. I don't understand why we can't have a family" She frowns looking away from me. "I never said we couldn''s just, I'm not ready" I say telling most of the truth. Katie takes out some bills setting them on the table before standing up. I stand up with her but it's awkward between us right now. "We will talk about it later" She mumbles walks out before me. Yes, just what I need. To be grilled about why I don't want to have kids with her.
The next day Katie is at work pissed at me. We talked about the kids thing and she got so upset that she made me sleep on the couch. It's noon and she is still pissed at me, I texted her to try and smooth things over in which she called and we talked more then she started yelling and hung up on me. I pace in the living room unsure how I am going to fix this problem. I pick up my phone ready to call Katie again when I hear a knock on the door. I walk to the door opening it to see a very tall man lean on the side of the wall. Bags at his feet and him smoking from one of those vape things. He stands up straight when he sees me and blows smoke out of his mouth waving it away.

I take a good look at him noticing he has some of the same features Katie has...oh! I forgot her brother was coming to live with us. I forgot with all the fighting we've been doing. "Are you going to invite me in or just stare at me?" His voice breaks me out of my thoughts. "Sorry, uh, yes, come in" I rush out moving so he can walk in. He picks up two of his bags leaving the other three for me to carry then steps in. I grab the other bags and walk in behind him making sure the door it shut. Jace looks around the living room while I walk towards the bedroom we set up for him. Soon enough he follows me in dropping his bags near the door. "Where is Kate?" He asked looking around the room before looking at me.

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